
This is kind of a "Two-in-One" question...?

by  |  earlier

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The other day, my two and a half year old son and I, were shopping around at Target, minding our own business, when one of the sales associates passes us by, and mumbles under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear, "Oh! He still has a pacifier."

I guess my first question is, Why in the world are people that stupid, rude, uncouth, and mean? What ever happened to being polite? Or minding your own business? Social skills, perhaps? I wanted to rip this lady a new one, and embarrass her for embarrassing me and making me feel like a crappy parent.

Secondly, am I wrong for still letting my two and a half year old have a pacifier still? Is he too old for it? I honestly don't find anything wrong with it and plan to phase it out completely when he turns 3.

To sum up this whole thing, was this lady out of line for her snide little comment and should my toddler be using a pacifier at this age?




  1. The lady was rude, and even worse that she worked there, then just a common customer.

    As for the paci.  My concern would be speech. Id have no problem with it while sleeping,  Even at a store theres so many opportunities for speech.  You can have him count the apples you put in a cart with you for example.

  2. Don't worry about it. He is fine.  People are just rude and have NO respect for others.  

  3. Yes I think this lady was out of line. People are very rude about expressing their opinions on things. I personally am not a fan of pacifiers. But that said if a pacifier is the difference between a sane mum and an insane mum then what is the harm really? I think it is your own personal choice and you shouldn't let people like that affect how you make your decisions. You know what is right for your family and your not causing any harm to anyone by doing what you're doing. Don't feel like a crappy parent because someone has decided to use you as their punching bag for the day. I wish I could answer the question about why people are so rude? If only we knew hey?! I hope that you will continue doing whatever it is that you feel is best for your family and not let people like this have an impact cause at the end of the day you are living your life not them so what do they really know?

  4. she was rude because she doesn't know you and she works there  he is too old for a pacifier it's going to be hard taking it away from him and also his teeth can be effected by the pacifier and his speech you should throw it out now and not wait until he is 3 because he is really to old for it then does he still use a bottle no right so why let him use the pacifier.

  5. I would not only worry about speech but also his teeth.  my brother and sister both had pacifiers until they were four and both their front teeth look different from how normal teeth should be formed. I would start phasing it out now.  and yes the woman needs to mind her own business.

  6. Ok. #1. That lady was RUDE!!!! I would NEVER say anything under my breath or to someone like that. Its none of my business!

    But since you asked:

    #2. Yeah I think 2 1/2 years old is too old for a pacifier. Like someone else said, I'd be worried about speech PLUS my neighbors girls both have "protruding top teeth". All 4 of their top teeth (maybe 8 of the top teeth, but I think only 4) are aiming forward WAAAY too far. The dentist is very worried for them for their future (with braces and having to break their jaws and all that). And they're only almost 5 and JUST turned 3. I think the younger one still has a pacifier though cuz mom doesnt want to take it... Dont ask....

    Good luck!

    Edited to dispute the person below me!: They DO break jaws to readjust the persons jaw! My uncle is a dentist and has done it several times!!! And they usually do it because they're going to put braces on!

  7. Some people are just plain rude.

    I actually know a person who had a pacifier until they were 12 years old!! They only had it at night and they got rid of it quite easily after they got braces. I found it pretty shocking myself and I did not understand that parent allowing it for THAT long did not hurt that child in the least......

    EDIT** They do not break jaws to put braces on!!

  8. yes the lady was out of line making a comment, it's none of her bussiness.

    Since you asked, yes I think a 2 yr old is too old for a pacifier. If you have no issue with it then why phase it out when he turns 3? Why wait? The longer you wait the harder it will be to "phase it out".

    Personally I took all of my kids pacifiers away before they turned a year old. It's great for sucking as a baby but you can tell when it's switched over from a sucking need to a habit and that is the best time to nip it. I don't think you are a bad parent for allowing your child to have it but I do think it's better to get rid of it sooner rather than later.

    It can also interfer with speech and teeth.

  9. where im from people always say this and pass judgement like that they would say things like, give me that paci big girl or your still using that pacifier, all kids are different and my  youngest girl stopped using at age 3 cold turkey . i tried taking it away before when she was 2 but she had a fit, you are her mother so you know whats best, i didnt listen when they said things like that because most of the time they dont have kids themselves!

    well to prevent their teeths from being deformed you should limit there use to bed time and nap time only, so in that way it will fall out as soon as they fall asleep

    also try hiding it from them so they ouldnt be so dependant on it, and what i would do is if she lost her pacifier i would say well you go find it and eventually she got tired of looking for it and just stopped using it completely

  10. I agree the lady was rude and should have kept her opinion to herself as it is absolutely none of her business. My daughter never liked a pacifier so I can't give advice on that other than to discuss it with your son's pediatrician or a pediatric dentist if you're concerned.  I hate that complete strangers think they can give unsolicited advice!  Grrr... Kudos to you for not tearing into her in front of your son.  I'm sure that took a ton of self-control!

  11. Ok, so I know when a total stranger said it to you before you were mad, and now you are here asking a forum of strangers about this...

    I have to say, yes, she was out of line. completely, you didnt' ask for her opinion, she just muttered it under her breath.

    But, in all honesty, you have to wean your child off the paci now.  Do it now, when they will be upset, but it won't tramatize them too much.

    And if you do decide to do it now, do it cold turkey, in one day, throw them all out and don't even think about buying another one or keeping one in case of "emergency!"

  12. i would have "ripped her a new one" even though i think he is a little big for a pacifier she nor i have no right in the whole world to say anything to you..let alone like that..and every parent is different so if you do not mind that is all that matters as long as his teeth are all right..i do not know if it is a myth or not..but as i said she had no right and i would have said more than a little something

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