
This is kind of dumb, but i can't decide what color to get for my finger nail polish, haha.?

by Guest58551  |  earlier

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this is kind of dumb,

but i'm getting my nails done,

the french tips,

but instead of white i want a color,

something uncommon,

and sparkly, haha.

i'm a major gilry girl.

pink is too common though,

somebody wanna help me decide?

i don't know if it helps,

but i'm a brunette,

somewhat tan,

so haha, suggestions please!




  1. get a silvery white ish shade

    van couvered in snow by opi.

    i think its a cute twist w.out being too weird.

    and it brings out your tan!

  2. your right it is kinda dumb.. but what

    i love orange... i am a brunette also... not so tan but i really love

  3. Since school is almost about to start (some places it has already started) so you should get a more fall colors and not summer colors. So i would just get a plain french. =)  

  4. to look tan either go with a neon color- purple yellow pink or green, or go with a pastel- light light pink, almost gray, light red or off white. thats whats popular for fall.

  5. um.. you can get it white and sparkly!

  6. if ur getting acryllics, then get like a purple line whre the pink and white meet. and then a sparkly one over thatttt..thats cuute

    orrr if ur just getting them frenchhh..then you couldd..whoa um idk bout that one hahaha.

  7. I have seen yellow and green but i dont think so. try a sparkly purple or turquiose

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