
This is kind of odd. I just went through an enormous amount of stress in the last 10 minutes and now...?

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I just sat down to try to relax, even though i wont be able to! But anyway, all of the sudden it feels like the baby has hiccups or something. Im 39 weeks. What could it be?




  1. the baby can get hiccups. or its just moving.

    answer my question please =];...

    and the one before that

  2. Hiccups.

    Relax and talk to your baby, help them calm down. They know when you are stressed.  

  3. Your baby will get hiccups. Its totally normal. My baby got them alot. And now you are so big I am sure that you are feeling everything. There is nothing that you can do to get rid of them just enjoying it. As much as you can. Think you are almost done!

  4. Hiccups are completely normal, and it happens a lot... at least it did for me in my previous two.  I wouldn't worry too much, your baby will be here soon.  Try not to get stressed, either way it's not good for you or baby.

  5. umm... other than the hiccups?

    I think we need more details...

  6. The baby probably has hiccups.  My kids got them all the time.

  7. when you get stressed so does your baby...he/she might have hiccups as a reaction to your stress...take a deep breath and try to calm down... :)

  8. baby probably has hiccups. I always loved when my girls got hiccups. It felt funny.  

  9. your baby probably does have the hiccups. Just try and relax your 39 weeks you don't want to be stressing your baby out now and its not healthy for you either

  10. Hey hon, I went through a similar time a couple of months ago at 6 months pregnant- very stressful. I was so worried about the effect of it on the baby that every single movement he made terrified me. I kept thinking something was wrong.

    Its probably just the hiccups but you are anxious. I'm sure everything is ok. You would need to worry if there was NO movement whatsoever.  

  11. It is hiccups.

  12. well it could be hicups

  13. probably braxton-hicks contractions from the stress...

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