
This is kinda a silly quyestion to ask, but?

by  |  earlier

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This question got deleted because whoever deletes the stuff thought it wasn't a question. I had alot of interesting answers given last time. I look forward to more great answers. Here is the question in a clearer fasion.

Are there any statistics regarding how much C02 would stop being emitted if 50-75% of every animal species were killed off the earth? Would this drop CO2 emissions by 30%?

There is the question. Please answer it. Thanks :)

(Humans are not considered animals in this question... Please do not give any answers which show statistics of only a cut in the human population).




  1. The amount of CO2 released by respiration by all animals (including a tiny percentage by man) on the planet more than doubles the amount released by man's transportation and industry. So, hypothetically, by killing off half the animals on the planet, you could reduce emissions by RESPIRATION the 30% you desire.

    However, decomposition also produces significant amounts of carbon dioxide and would negate the immediate drop in respiration.

    And, of course, practically speaking, you'll need to figure in the amount of fossil fuel utilized in your hunt and production of your weapons/chemicals. Additionally, killing massive amounts of plankton, insects and small animals will require pesticides that will in all likelihood result in large amounts of plant death as well. This collateral damage would represent a significant reduction in CO2 reducing organisms, in some cases to the point of completely negating your intended result.

  2. Do you think this is a better solution to global warming than humans making changes to how they create energy?

  3. So you know when you exhale only 3% of your exhale is CO2

  4. You bring up a great question, I don't know how to answer it but we DO KNOW how much CO2 is in the air....about 380 parts per million. We know how much CO2 people are pumping into the atmosphere, which is about 35% higher than before the industrial revolution.

    Scientists are aware through ice samples from the past, that when CO2 goes up, temperature goes up, when CO2 goes down, temperature goes down.

    Currently, CO2 is going up as a result of peoples activities and thus, the earth's temperature is going up as well.

    It's a very simple concept.

    Don't believe in the spin that exists out there...use your natural wisdom to judge for yourself.

    Peace and love my friend.

  5. stl_6:  "the overall impact of fossil fuels is less than the impact of a volcanic eruption"

    Ah, no.  I've heard this lie too many times.


    "Scientists have calculated that volcanoes emit between about 145-255 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.  This estimate includes both subaerial and submarine volcanoes, about in equal amounts.

    Emissions of CO2 by human activities, including fossil fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring, amount to about 24 billion tons per year.

    Human activities release more than 150 times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes--the equivalent of nearly 17,000 additional volcanoes like Kilauea"

    as for co2,  Keith has it right.  the carbon animals emit in CO2 comes from plants.  if animals didn't eat 'em, they'd die and bacteria would decompose them and emit the CO2.

    get over it.  coal and oil are the problem.

  6. i dont see the question

  7. You should first consider the food chain dianamics.

    consider this if their were no need to create and use power, what would the CO2 emissions level be.

    It isn't just co2 levels it is the release of heat from the creation and use of power.

    The Earth has a natural Heat regululation system and breathing system.

    The most parts of this planets living system could contain mankinds developments and  use of elements , thur strick reservations of conservations. Rain forests: all forest lands, redistribution of populations and advanced farm lands useage and by deminishing the use of asphalt pavements and creations of large mega cities.Housing if constructed under ground would stop the problems of huge rising tower of heat cuting thur the biosphere disrupting the natural cooling and heating processes of this our living world.

    With the rapid amounts of forest clearings and the poor choices of developing housing on choice useable farm land these are really  the true causes of the present situation. And the engery required to correct these misuseages of our planets respitory system would complicte the Enviromental problems futher.

    War is evident in the future to reduce the populations worldwide and redevelope the a congruent intergrated populace system that does not outstrip the this planet's permanate and predetermined eco-systems balance.

    The situation is such now, as predicted early in the 1960 as part of our national security Agencys future geo-political annalist, the Rand Group the Marsh group and the williams group to name three, the future of the world is war, established on the pretence of OIL and engery and food.

    So get ready for war, Civil,  continentally and globaly.

  8. The Earth is pretty much a closed system except for the heat coming from the Sun. Over long time scales the climate does change in the past it has been much warmer and very much colder. The sudden increase in C02 at the same time we started to use coal and fuel isn't just a magic coincidence.

    The animals around at the moment are part of the natural cycle what they eat they put into the atmosphere in a cycle.

    Even this we have changed with animals breed to be bigger fatter, living of specialized feed to make them even bigger, feed that makes far larger amounts of gases like methane than animals living in nature, a cow doesn't have to expend much energy at all to get feed a reindeer crosses half a continent looking for food.

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