
This is kinda embarassing but, how can i remove moles without going to the doctors?

by  |  earlier

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i'm only thirteen and fair skinned, and they keep popping up everywhere. i have them ALL over my arms, and a few on my face. is there a safe way to get rid of them without going to see a doctor? i know drug stores sell kits, but i'm still not sure if they will work.




  1. if they r large and round enough u can take string n tie it around the mole as tight a possible this cuts of the blood flow the mole dries up n falls off i did this to two of my mole had 1 removed n now working on the other five cuz they r too small 2 tie  but if u do end up going to a Dr. 2 get them removed they can leave a lil scar its not a big deal thou

  2. Do not try to remove them on your own. You should see a doctor.

  3. i dont think thats possible.

  4. you should see a doctor and since you have light skin you should see a dermatologist regularly, moles can be a sign of skin cancer, its important to have them checked out. otherwise i dont  think there is another safe way to get rid of them. Lots of people have moles, even ones on their faces that are really noticeable, they dont let it bother them, i also have lots of moles, i dont think that they are particularly unatractive.

  5. no its not safe at all its alot better to go to the dr. that way you dont have to worry bout scaring and it wont hurt as bad. never do stuff like that on ur own

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