
This is kinda gross, but i really need help with this pain in my toe!?

by  |  earlier

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I have an ingrown toe nail, i get them all the time and take them out myself, but this time it hurts really bad! I tried taking it out twice! but i can't get it out! Now i think it's getting infected because i can't even walk right, it hurts SO BAD! I'm not going to the dr because i know a few people who went to the doctor for that and they just pulled it out and it hurts just as bad if not worse than if they were to have done it. Does any1 know of any cream that i can use or anything that i can use or try so i could get rid of the pain and get it out? Please help!




  1. Backha is right. See a podiatrist. No cream or balm is going to take the pain away. The podiatrist will probably cut a wedge where the ingrown nail is to relieve the pressure and allow it to heal. Ingrown toenails usually can be prevented by proper cutting ( across, without touching the edges) If you don't want to go to the doctor, wash the area with peroxide and use a Q-tip to ease the infected tissue toward the surface pulling carefully the tissue surrounding the ingrown section.This may hurt more than going to the podiatrist but that's your choice. If there is pus, forgetaboutit, see the foot doctor. Good luck.

  2. yeah their so painful.

    if you cut with toe nail cutters, a V shape in the middle of your toe, it prevents them from coming back. it actually works.

  3. Make a paste of asprin (not Tylenol - has to be asprin) and water and rub it into the swollen area.  Asprin has a natural anti-inflamatory property and it also helps to 'dry up' infection.  Take a couple of asprin or Alleve too - so the inflamation is attacked from the inside and the outside.  

    They really hurt - do the asprin (and cover with a bandaid) before bed and then again tomorrow AM (if possible a few times tomorrow) and hopefully it'll be better in a day or two.

  4. my best friend has them all the time too and i tell her to go to a foot doctor....

  5. my dad had the same problem and he did not want to go to the doctors eaither but it got infected so bad that he had to go to see a doctor and he said that if it got any worse that he might have lost his toe.i don't want to scare you but if you don't go to a doctor to get it fixed it will just get worse.It won't hurt cause the doctor will numb your toe and remove the nail and give you some meds to clear up the infection and then they will wrap your toe in some gause.

  6. there is something called black salve... Its a cream that will "draw" out the infection... also if you have epsom salts i suggest that you soak your foot in hot water and epsom salts... It will help kill the infection and keep it clean... Good luck!

  7. Absolutely not. It will always come back. I had them for years. I had them operated on and they still came back. If you go to a a worthwhile podiatrist he can cut them out there is the office using anesthesia. Then on a repeat visit he needs to cut out the Growth center under the cuticle that makes the nail grow.  I had it done 18 years ago now and they never came back after years of disgusting bloody socks.  Best wishes...

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