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If you've tried both skiing and snowboarding, which is harder?




  1. boarding is harder but way more fun.

    i skied for about 3 years, then tried snowboarding. takes longer to pick up, but is way more fun.


  2. I've done both skiing and snowboarding and I noticed that skiing is a lot easier to become a beginner at, but hard to master.Snowboarding is harder to get started at but a lot easier to master. If you're about to choose which to take up, I would choose snowboarding because its a lot more interesting. There's a lot more tricks you can do, and just normal riding down hills is a lot more fun.

  3. I prefer boarding, and i started out and still am a good skier.

    Depending on the time of terrain you go on will determine the difficulty level, no matter what you ride.

    If you are a beginner, never skied or boarded, both will be tough at first.  Skiing gives you the use of your legs independently, which feels more natural.    Snowboards clamp both your legs to the same ski.  Everyone learns differently, so try both.  If you rent  a board and hate it, you can return it and ski the rest of the day.

    Take a lesson.  Even if your friend is great at ski/boarding, they may not be a great teacher.  Take the lesson, you'll be happy later.  If you are boarding I strongly recommend knee & elbow pads, and wrist guards.  The kind sold for rollerblading  is perfect and only $20 at walmart.   The pads will save you time and again while learning to keep your balance on a board.

    The next big part of being successful on the mountain is not being afraid of the steep, icy mountain!  Learn how to hold and control your edges before moving off the greens and blues.  If that last sentence makes no sense at all,  remember to ask at your lesson.  

    Hope this helps, have fun

  4. snowboarding>harder to learn, easier to get better at

    skiing>easier to learn harder to get better at

  5. I have not tried either but i know a friend who has tried both and must say that skiing is much harder depending on the slope he said. i would recomend asking a person close to you who has done both of them they would probably know better

  6. skiing

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