
This is mainly for men, but women are more than welcome to answer Why is it that men don't want to have kids.?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it so hard for men to want to have kids? My fiancee loathes the mere thought of having children. I told him I wouldn't marry him unless we can come to some kind of resolve for this.. so don't worry about that. and I'm not going to force him to have them. But I want them badly. It's always been a goal of mine to be a mother. and I'm not willing to let that go...

and I'm just looking to try and understand why it's so hard for men to want to have kids. Is it something they don't know they want until they have, or is it just a personal thing? Or something else completely

so men give me your opinion on children... good bad or ugly I'm willing to listen. And to here from men who are fathers would be wonderful, so if you are let me know.

thanks a million everyone.




  1. okay, i talked to my boyfriend about this,

    he said its because incase the couple breaks up chilren complicate things,

    like paying child support and future relationships.

    children are expensive and are a big step in a relationship.

    don't rush him it's just as important to you as it is for him.

  2. because they want you all for themselves instead of sharing you with them and they are scared of losing you like once you have kids, they are scared that u will love them more than him

    just taking a guess but i assume some man out there uses that as a reason

  3. never heard that before, I have 5 how ever that was a long time ago, perhaps it is that so many relation ships don't last, and it could be all that child support they now have to pay.  

  4. You father kids, the woman leaves breaking your heart, then you spend the rest of your life paying some other bloke to raise your kids poorly. meanwhile you cant start another family because most of the money you make goes to the ex-wife so you cant support another family. Gee, why do you think men are afraid to start a family? If you want this guy to father your kids then you have to make him feel like you will be there for him and he will be there for you

  5. I'm gonna want kids.

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