Okay, I was reading this article about an Emmy winning award news anchor John Beard. And I found this excrept from an article.
"Beard also left KNBC in 1993 after refusing to read inaccurate news copy and celebrity stories (particularly regarding pop singer Michael Jackson, and took a pay cut to go to KTTV. KNBC management at the time let him out of his contract to go to a "lesser" station, but would not release him to go to KABC or KCBS because they didn't want to compete against him."
Think about this. The media is trying to mess up peoples lives by making their news anchors say false information on the air? John Beard was at least truthful in this case, but isn't it just messed up that the media is trying to ruin people's lives by making up rumors and other cr*p and actually portraying it as the truth, making millions of people believe it?