
This is my Batman 3 script tell me what you think and be honest?

by  |  earlier

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I would have 3 main villains in the movie they would be Talia- al – Gul, The Riddler, Bane. With the leader being Talia she wants do what her Dad didn’t quite do however she knows that they know to destroy Gotham they need to remove the batman and find out who he is. That’s why she has a Bane someone who is very strong and for the first time there will be someone who can beat up the Batman as that has been explored yet as the joker destroyed psychologically but not physically which will be the job of Bane . The reason I would have the Riddler as she knows that the Riddler is a very clever person who is also at that time helping the police solve crimes but joins Talia straight away but still helps the police because of a good protection and there connections . But he joins with that 1 objective find who is the Batman as he can be person who can find out who he is or then just destroy him by using Bane.

However to that they would have to unleash some traps but not realise information to give away their main objective destroy Gotham. To destroy Gotham they could do it by putting a dangerous chemical which would wipe out everyone in the city or but putting some special flowers like the ones in the mountains but they have tampered with a poisonous chemical. There is also the very similar 24 method of doing it by nuclear bombs which could work. However she knows from seeing what happened to her dad that they have to remove the Batman and she stills believe that her dad might be alive or can recreate him through the Lazuras pit. As they join together the Riddler gets a set of traps for him. The Riddler would study Batman machinery and would work out that they come from Wayne enterprises. So he would get a job there and then by getting the blueprints he becomes 100 % sure that the person is from Wayne Enterprises. The question is how he finds out who the Batman is. He manages to narrow his search to around 25 people.

As Lt Gordon always had his suspicions about the Riddler and when he leaves he gets him followed however to help protect the Batman he demands to tell him who he is to also help him with solving crime and give some protection which the Batman does much to Gordon surprise . Gordon gets very suspicious when he finds out that he has a job at Wayne Enterprises.

(The Riddler would be his main nickname because he solves crimes by using little information and using riddles however at Wayne enterprises he would have a normal name to shield his dual identity)

So Lt Gordon has found out that the Riddler is working for Wayne enterprises but yet he can’t do anything as he hasn’t broken any laws. However he will have him observed as he and Bruce figure there is a bigger plan which sends them both into a mission to find out what it is without revealing who they are to the Riddler.

So far I have shown the script just from the villain’s point of view if this did become a movie it wouldn’t be based how this goes the way I have written just this story and plot. Now I’m going to show how the Batman / Bruce gets to that stage in the movie it wouldn’t be set out like this.

We would see Bruce in this movie as someone who is very depressed and more psychotic as the dark knight showed Bruce isn’t sane as the only place he feels good and normal , happy is when he beating other people up . Now knowing that he is wanted he can’t be Batman publicly he is getting more and more depressed and tortured he would kind of evolve into a bit of Jack Bauer. His relationship with Alfred is getting strained and he has stopped caring about the business and after losing Rachel he has no hope for a normal and happy life which he desires above all. However he has been secretly contacting Gordon by using a kryptic phones calls to his house or mobiles to contact him. As he knows with Alfred and Fox he is the only person he can trust. He has been helping Gordon by getting information on the mob which is destroying them and helping him destroy the drugs. As Bruce though we say him on the brink of changing and Batman however that changes when he sees a school get on fire with 100 people inside and by using his strength he manages to save all of them in the process but he nearly dies in it and is on the verge of death when he sees that Gordon’s house is close and goes there and they find out he is Bruce Wayne and manages to get them to call Alfred and they take him to his house where with the help of Fox recover from the near the death experience but leaves his body more damaged however he does get some type of redemption from the public however the man hunt for him still exists. However by saving these people he goes back from the brink and start trying to enjoy a life. (This could be earlier in the movie). Bruce will have a party where Talia who doesn’t know the truth about him get along and start getting romantically involved. However Bruce is getting worried as he senses after the warning by Gordon that people might be get




  1. Wow thats realy good,

    i dont know allot about batman but that is excellent

    keep going (Y)

  2. Yahoo has a length limit for questions and you obviously exceeded it since your message ends in mid-sentence.I'm confident that I have not read part of a synopsis of the working script for the next Batman film. Your synopsis might be fair, not horrible and not quite good, but I hate the way you would present Batman.

    The best thing you have is an interesting take on the Riddler, which would make a better story than the convoluted mess you might  have managed to make make crude sense.

    Quit while you are ahead.

  3. Omg this is really good!

    You should do some more : )

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