
This is my favourite sandwich whats yours?

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE, a vegemite sandwich with salt and vinegar chips on it, its awesome i have had it since i was in grade 1 does anyone else have a strange combination of food they can't get enough of?




  1. one of my favorites is a poorboy sandwich

  2. I use to go to a liquor store/Deli, they would make a club sandwich that was out of this world.

    3 slices Hawaiian egg bread toasted








    I think I'm going too lunch now...

  3. I don't eat sandwiches.

  4. yum!!!

    i love vegemite, cheese, lettuce & ham!


    chicken & cheese with marinated chargrilled vegies, toasted!

  5. mine is club sandwich

  6. I like sandwiches with thick white bread, heinz sandwich spread on each side, then slices of mature cheddar cheese, tomato, cucumber, black pepper and sprinkled with salt and vinegar crisps. Sounds terrible but tastes delicious!

  7. I used to love toasted cream cheese and pickled onions as a kid........Marmite and vegemite are foul and evil and taste like p**p.

  8. Grilled peanut butter and banana. It was elvis's favorite, and I love it.

  9. lush sandwich!  i used to have vegemite cheese and lettuce which isn't too strange i guess and i like ham and potato salad.

  10. I'll eat vegemite with lemon spread, or salt & vinegar chip sandwiches but I have never tried vegemite with chips.

    My sister eats tomato sauce sandwiches.

  11. I could go for any kind of meat sandwich, or egg salad, OR A HOT DOG!

    Im so hungry right now...

  12. Beetroot and salad cream

  13. avacado and chicken

  14. chicken and bacon with cheese and mayo.

  15. a reuben on rye with kosher corned beef. Put a pickle on the side. I'm happy with that.

  16. egg salad sandwich

  17. Cream cheese and green olives on rye!

  18. ham, melted cheese, eggwhites, and a crapload of tabasco.

  19. That makes me want to puke.

  20. I would just love a freshly made hamburger coated with cracked pepper and coarse salt, grilled until crunchy on the outside and rare in the middle, on a buttered grilled whole grain bun, lettuce and ripe tomato, spicy brown mustard on the bottom bun and mayonnaise on the top bun. Right about now. Mmmm...

  21. have you ever heard of peanutbutter and jelly???maybe, but once I mixed peanutbutter(the chunky kind) with mayonaise( I put PB in one slice then mayonaise in the other), its has a kind of taste I like.

  22. mine is foie gras spead on an onion roll with pancetta and pepper jack cheese, then grilled in a panini maker.  Best sandwich ever!

  23. Oven roasted chicken sub by Subway

  24. italians.. ham salami and pep. with white american yum!

    also-- eew i just googled vegemite that sounds pretty...

    gag- gjksbd

  25. A sandwich? Ham and swiss, with lettuce, tomatoes, mustard, and that tim sauce from tim hortons.

  26. Before I went veggie I LOVED really thick-cut ham slices, mustard, lettuce, tomato and cheese.  Now THAT is a sandwich!  Since I went veggie my choices are limited, poor choice in sandwiches is the one and only thing I have noticed as a problem with vegetarianism!  Now I like egg and onion or cheese and tomato.

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