
This is my first child and I want to be prepared?

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Okay, so I know I may be jumping the gun a bit since I'm only a little over six or seven weeks pregnant, but I want to start preparing now, rather than being crazy towards the end of the pregnancy and trying to get everything together. What are some must haves? I already have a crib and some blankets. I know I need bottles, diapers, binkies, boppies, clothes. What are somethings that made taking care of your child(ren) easier or more efficient?




  1. baby swing and bouncy seat so you can have your hands free

  2. The swing was my best Friend when my son was having sleep issues! the bouncy seat I loved cause when I was making supper or cleaning the kitchen i'd bring him along with me and put him on the table. and He loved that. also a baby carrier I had just the regular front backpack type ones but now I have the sleepy time wrap and I use it for my 10 1/2 month old. it is suitable for a newborn preemie to a child that can say mom....let me out!!! Also stock up on some organic Laundry soap and baby wash's the commercial ones are really bad they are filled with so much c**p!! Its sad! I felt horrible when I googled the contents of my sons wash...formaldehyde! stock up on batteries cause you WILL run out at the worst time! Keep a journal through your pregnancy! You'll be glad you did!!! oh a good thermometer

    One thing I'd like to suggest is taking a look at your house hold cleaners!!! I didn't realize until my son was older how horrible they are.

    Hope I could help sorry to go crazy :P

    CONGRATS on your pregnancy!!!

  3. I could not have lived with out a swing. We sometimes let him sleep in it at night, because that  was the only way he slept. I also liked having a highchair. I used it when I was in the kitchen. I have the kind were the back reclines. I would sit him in there while I cooked.  

  4. Actually, the thing you need the most is a car seat.

    I wouldn't go too crazy on anything else just yet. Assuming you're going to have a baby shower, people will get you a lot of the things you need. Definitely, definitely couldn't have lived without my Boppy and my copy of "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding." I also loved having a mug with a straw built in for the first couple months. It seemed like I was always thirsty.

  5. I would really take it easy on the "baby gear" the majority of it you will find useless after just a couple times of using it.

    I would highly suggest a swing and a sling. Outside of that all my baby stuff mostly has just collected dust!

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

  6. A swing really helped to calm my daughter, and the boppie is a must! A bouncer was also good. Dont forget oulet covers. It doesn't hurt to begin to prepare. Sounds like you are excited! Congrats!

  7. I had a boppie but never really used it. MUST HAVES -Onesies,Sleepers,diapers,wipes,powder,b... bath supplies-tub,soap,lotion,Diaper rash oitentment,TONS of spit up clothes for over your shoulder-YOU WILL NEED IT! ,Dreft laundry soap,Baby bottles,Formula-BUT dont buy to much of the formula bacuse your baby might be allergic to certain ones.Mine was! The best one I used was carnation good start.Baby swing,stroller,car seat,crib,Diaper bag. Dont worry about the changing table-You always end up changing the baby where ever you can! :) A simple dresser is a must also something he/she can use as he/she gets older....

    You can buy all the cute clothes BUT the baby will spend 95% of the time in onesies and sleepers.We spent so much money on cute little clothes and our son out grew them so fast that he didt even wear half of them...Just a heads up:)


  8. When he was about 4-5 months old the jumparoo was a life saver.  Before that we used a swing. For when you go out, the Babybjorn is great.

  9. A car seat of course is first on my list. Then I'd say a swing. Also you may want to stock up on cloth diapers or dish style towels as burp clothes to clean up spit up and such. A baby bathtub is good to have too. I know you mentioned bottles, so you may want to get a bottle and nipple brush to clean them.  

  10. well i would wait until you are ATLEAST 12 weeks, becuase unfortunatly you are still in the high risk for misscarriage period. after 12 weeks your risk goes down drastically. then id wait even longer until you find out the s*x of the baby.  then if you really want to be smart wait until after your baby shower. your going to get ALOT of those little things (clothes, socks, burp cloths, recieving blankets, lotions, diapers)

    i know its exciting..i started visiting babies r alot when i was very early in my pregnancy just to see what cute stuff there was. i say just put a little bit of money away every week and at the end after your baby shower you can go on a big fun shopping spree for whatever you didnt get!

  11. I would suggest a pram that makes it easy for you to get around, and even a sling to carry bub when you need to go somewhere like shopping.

    Just remember, if your gonna have a baby shower, your most likely to get alot of clothes and toys, so don't go nuts on those things yet.  

  12. The health and grooming kit. It comes with a hair brush, hair comb, nail clippers, thermometer, orajel, booger squeezer thing, alcohol swabs for the umbilical cord, q-tips for babies, etc. You'll also need bath essentials, lotions, books, carseat, stroller, diaper bag, changing pad, teething rings, diaper rash cream, teddy bear, camera, baby gum brush with paste, towels, bathing suit, swing, vibrating chair, diaper genie for smelly diapers, chaning table, play mat, high chair, formula (even if breastfeeding just incase), bassinet, rocking chair, snuggly, tub, movies, picture frames, baby room decorations, baby books, crib gaurds (rubber things to go on top of the crib bar incase the baby wants to chew on them he/she wont get wood in his/her mouth), binkys, mobile for the crib, pear juice (incase of constipation), spoons, bowls, sippie cups, baby proofing things (the little plastic wall outlet things), etc.

    Don't use babypowder. Return it. It actually causes more harm then good. It makes the baby have a hard time breathing because of the powder getting in his/her face. Since they're so little, they can't turn their head to make it easier for them to breathe. So get your money back and spend it on some diapers or something. Lotion works better than powder anyway.

  13. A swing! Ours was a savior. For a couple of months it was the only way we could get my son to sleep. He would fall asleep in there and we would move him to his crib. Also, I had a front carrier that I used when he wanted to be held, but I needed to get things done.  

  14. car seat, stroller, swing, bibs, bouncy seat, changing table, dresser,  

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