
This is my first period since my miscarriage a month ago. Can i try to conceive this month?

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Exactly one month ago today. I miscarried at 4 weeks ( 4 days after finding out i was pregnant) The miscarriage lasted about a week. I did not need a D&C and i did not have any complications. My HCG hormone returned to zero within a week. My Ob/Gyn said i can try to conceive after my first cycle returned. This past Sunday i started spotting and yesterday an actual period started exactly 28 days since my miscarriage but this cycle is heavy. Is this because of the miscarriage? Since my cycle went right back on track, my question is can i try to conceive this month? Will i ovulate on time this month? Also any tips on try to conceive will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance.

P.S i also continued to take my prenatal vitamins and a 400mg of folic acid everyday.




  1. When I had my miscarriage, the doctor told me that I should have at least 2-3 normal periods beforer trying again. Just to get my hormones and body back to normal so there was less risk of it happening agian.  

  2. You should take some time to mourn your lost child rather than getting back to "baby making"!! I hope this isn't a welfare choice or a "I'm 14 and have to have a baby" thing. Your situation is sad and you are outrageous!!  :(

  3. Always best to follow the OB/GYN's advice, but I have had friends in same situation who concieved that very next cycle.  I should think that if your cycle was fairly regular before, it will continue to be.  I used one of those ovulation kits to determine if I was ovulating, then stayed in bed with my butt on pillows following the "deed".  Worked in one try, but I guess I'm fertile myrtle or my husband has super sperm.  Everyone's different. Just try not to get all hyped up about'll scare the baby fairy away :)  good luck and happy trying!  

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