
This is my first period since my miscarriage a month ago. My question is can i try to conceive this month?

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Exactly one month ago today. I miscarried at 4 weeks ( 4 days after finding out i was pregnant) The miscarriage lasted about a week. I did not need a D&C and i did not have any complications. My HCG hormone returned to zero within a week. My Ob/Gyn said i can try to conceive after my first cycle returned. This past Sunday i started spotting and yesterday an actual period started exactly 28 days since my miscarriage but this cycle is heavy. Is this because of the miscarriage? Since my cycle went right back on track, my question is can i try to conceive this month? Will i ovulate on time this month? Also any tips on try to conceive will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance.

P.S i also continued to take my prenatal vitamins and a 400mg of folic acid everyday.




  1. It's totally possible for you to conceive this month with correct timing of babydancing. Bear in mind that your chance is around 20% each month of success but do everything you can to increase your chances! It's great that you're taking your pre-natals for a start, this will give baby the best start possible in terms of key nutrients when you do indeed fall pregnant.

    I recommend tracking your BBT (temps) daily. This is my first month of doing so and already I feel as though I'm taking pro-active steps in becomming pregnant. It's very simple to do and a good basal thermometer is available online or at your local drugstore. Mine was an ebay cheapie but still does the job :) Checking for a small rise in your temp (around 0.4degrees minimum) will assure you that you have ovulated, where temperatures remain elevated until your next period.

    Checking your cervical mucus is another great way of estimating ovulation, that key window of fertility for getting pregnant.

    Best wishes!!

  2. yes your cycle could be heavier because your body is still adjusting, but if your doctor said it's ok for you to try again then it should be ok, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice and find others going through similar situations, try

    good luck!

  3. yes u can conceive since its a miscarriage as u had not undergone D & C u can conceive immediatly taking folic acid before ur conception is not required after conceiving it requires to take folic acid under doctors advise

    after your intercoarse dont get up for atleast an hour dont urinate for an hour once ur urinal test shows positive dont travel more dont do any heavy activities

    u can also take the medicine CLOMID after your Doctors advise that should be taken after some particular day from your periods  

  4. I wouldnt try to concieve yet...even a month seems really too soon.  Your body was going through things even at 4 weeks and something went wrong obviously, so let your body go back to normal, get in a few normal periods then try to get pregnant. Wear a condom for about 2 more months then have s*x and have him go inside you, dont be stressed over it, make it fun and enjoyable...if you get all stressed and worked up, thats when things go wrong. Good Luck!

  5. The same thing happen ti me my first pregnancy i had a miscarriage a week after i found out i was pregnant, my doctor told me to wait 3 months to try to conceive again, i waited 5 months to be sure and i had another miscarraige, i guess it depends on the person, all i can say is good luck.  

  6. Yes, in fact you could be more fertile this month because of the MC.

    Sorry for your loss.  I think I had a MC last month as well.

    baby dust to you :)

    I would start charting your temps and CM

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