
This is my first serious poem that I've used rhyming, what do you think of it?

by  |  earlier

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There’s a dark place in my mind,

it creeps and crawls up from behind.

There’s no advance warning,

but I know in the morning.

It takes over with a vengeance,

and regrettably hasn’t a conscience.

I never know what I will say,

I only know later when I pay.

I always hurt so bad,

it makes me so sad.

It reminds me of all my fears,

and frequently tries to bring me to tears.

My goal is to always me strong,

but that’s hard to follow along.

When it gets the best of me,

I never know what I will be.

It takes its toll,

and it is very troll.

I can’t clear my head,

when I go to bed.

I just have to bide my time and wait,

for fate.




  1. your rhymes are great. i really loved the third and fourth stanzas. though i noticed the poem does not really flow altogether. ypu've got some real talent. Keep it up.

  2. love it.

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