
This is my first yr. gardening. Why are my pumpkin leaves droopy?

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3 days ago I trimmed the dead leaves off, ever since the leaves are really droopy, I water at night because I don't get up early enough to do it before the sun hits it. I also haven't fertilized, is it too late to start that? I have pumpkins, watermelon, corn, cucumber, and tomatoes, should I be spraying them with anything? If so, what product brands work best?




  1. You might be getting dead, rotting leaves because you're watering at night. Try watering in the morning if you can. I also have pumpkins, watermelon, corn, cucumbers and tomatoes! It is NOT to late to fertilize! I use miricale grow once a week and everything has taken off!  As far as your pumpkins go, go get some straw or hay and lay it under your plant. This will help the leaves from not rotting and when and if your plant pumpkins, it will also help the pumpkins from rotting! Try your best to water in the morning, or around 4 or 5 o'clock. That way it's not just sitting there all night if you've watered too much! Now, sprays! My grandmother taught me this, and my mom uses this, so does my aunt... Go get an empty spray bottlle, and get some of the original, green Palmolive dish soap and put about 2 table spoons of it into the spary bottle. Then, fill the rest of it with water! I sware on my life this works! I was getting holes allllll over my plants, and I talked to my grandmother and she told me about this and I dont get holes in my plant. Now, either spray hours before you water, or about 30 min. AFTER you water... or both. You have to do this about every other day or so. But the bugs absoultly hate it! It's cheap, and it's not going to put a bunch of harmful things in your garden! it's just soapy water!

    Good luck! and go get some miracle gro!!!!

  2. If you're watering every night, knock that back a bit. And also, if it's at all possible, try watering in the early morning so they don't sit wet all night.

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