
This is my last question. I have decided to not come back on here anymore.?

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Why do you think people use love as an excuse for pretending?




  1. because hey cant find anything else...

  2. why should this question be your last, have you stopped loving your self???

    Respect your self and you will find love and respect all around you sweet heart.

  3. Because most people really want to be in Love but deep down they know they're not.....

    dude don't leave you were my favorite, i like added u as one of my contacts so i could read ur question...... i like the way u think, its more in the direction of how i think of life.....  

  4. y ya leavin josh?

  5. Okay young man.  There is and always has been more to life than Yahoo Answers any way.  

    Before I answer your question I will cite a few examples where this happens.  A parent spanks a child for loves sake.  A man will not admit an affair to his wife for love's sake.  A daughter will not admit her doctor's visit about a potential life threatening disease to an aged parent for love's sake.

    This perception is seen from a child. In the first case the child would not call what the parent did was out of life but more out of justice for that child doing wrong.  What the child does not see is that the child was punished for bad behavior that affects both himself and his neighbor and even himself and God.  The parent is trying to get the child to live right.

    The second one is where the man is wrong in what he did.  He does not realize the danger to his marriage his act really is.  He does not test the bonds of their love for fear it would break and crumble.  Love is all about two people learning to experiencing unconditional love for each other for a lifetime.  God created that kind of relationship because he extends this kind of love to man every day.  It is better for him to be honest for them to experience the pain the agony and then the healing power that only true love can bring.  The rebirth of love in a marriage is a profound experience.

    The last example is where the daughter does not wish to cause trouble to the older parent who himself suffers terrbily.  In this case it is wise for love's sake to encourage the adult in life.   And for the daughter to see to it that her aged parent is taken care of if the result of the doctor's visit leads to something really serious or not.  Better to find out the results and yet make plans for the worst. There is no need to bring needelss worry to the parent.  And it is possible that everything is okay after further results.

    These were some examples I think where your question fits the circumstance.  God speed  in your young life.  Don't forget about God along the way.

  6. I really don't know who you are;  but you do sound hurt!

    Your stay here has been a short one (I checked your profile).  But the good thing is that you achieved your objectives i.e.  The  Coveted TC Badge (as you yourself pointed out).  

    Quiting while on top is better than leaving as a loser.  Since you have better things to do in your life and have set up some new goals for yourself,  I Wish You Well.  Your determination will help you achieve whatever you are seeking.

    As for using love for pretense...well,  that's an easiest/most effective  tool that can be used to fool people...everyone likes to be loved (irrespective of age and gender) and a few sweet words (however false) are enough to evoke strong feelings.  Now can you think of anything else that works faster?  But to deliberately hurt people so,  is not a sign of good character!

    Good Wishes For Your Future!  Take Care!!!

  7. Pity, a lot of people will miss your contributions, if your stats are anything to go by.

    I don't, if you pretend you're not really in love.

  8. Are you sure you are quitting? In that case I think there are better ways to say goodbye!! Anyway, all the best!!!

  9. What the H377 are you talking about????  Why do people do anything anymore?  Pretending?  What are you pretending?  That's not even a question really.  Yeah,  I think you need to come back and ask the question you really want to ask.  You're not coming back right?  Why waste everyone's time?  

  10. WOW last question...perhaps you have all the answers ur looking for..good!

  11. Well, your last question is a very thought provoking one. lol

    What do you mean by "useing love as an excuse for pretending"?

    dude, wtf?

  12. This is anyone's tendency to establish his/her view [read as= wrong perception] at 11th hour.

  13. because love makes a "good" excuse

  14. Because love can do everything.  


  15. because they want to pretend to love hahah i dont know and by the way not coming here anymore is the best way to start a new life this is like quitting cocaine hahaahaha good luck never come back to the addiction  

  16. This is most foreign to me.   Honestly, love cannot be "used"!

    People who pretend show their true colors through their body language.

    Actions speak louder than words!

    Please do not leave!  We need all the help we can get on here!

    I have threatened to leave, as well.  I always come back!  LOL!

    Persevere!  :D

  17. "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

    "Sacred Psychology of Love:  The Quest for Relationships that Unite Heart and Mind," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D.

    "Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O. M. Aivanhov,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, and

    "For Men Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, are worthwhile.

    Love is about the most powerful and significant component of human existence. also good.

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