
This is my morning schedule before school is it good?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going into grade 8 and i need to be organized(im really bad at that) so i made a schedule. is this good for before school?


6:15 : Wake up

6:20 : shower

6:35 : brush hair

6:36 : put pjs away, put on housecoat

6:40 : eat breakfast

6:50 : brush hair

6:51 : brush teeth

6:53 : wash face

6:58 : brush hair, put in bun

7:00 : choose clothes

7:05 : make bed

7:10 : clean room

7:20 : take out bun, brush hair

7:21 : blow dry hair

7:25 : get dressed, put on deoderant

7:30 : style hair

7:45 : get school books together

7:50 : put shoes on, get coat ready(if needed)

7:55 : feed dog

8:00 : tv

8:25 : leave for school





  1. Very well organized schedule

  2. cool very organized.

  3. I dunno my school started 8:05 and i left the house at 7:55 and it took 15 minutes to get there if i drove within the speed limits... and when people tell you to plan your life they mean like the next 5-10 years..... planning like that will cause a mental breakdown.... ur not even in highschool yet so just chill out and play live like a game.... oh yea and dont drink or smoke

  4. im too dam tired in the morning for that, plus my school starts at 7:30a.m.

  5. Yes, I think it is. You get to school late! I have to get the bus at 7:05 this year, although I'm going to high school....but anyways, it would also save time to get your books ready and lay out your outfit the night before ...

  6. if your showering why not cut time done and wash your face inthe shower and then instead of keep brushing your hair put it up when you get out of the shower and then take is down a re-brush it...itll give you 30 minutes or so to sleep

  7. If you pay this much attention to this schedule as your studies you will excel in your class. I wish you the best of luck.

  8. No schedule is ever perfect. Don't expect that to follow exact single time every singly day.

    It's pretty good.

  9. Yeah that sounds fine. It's what you wanna do.

  10. you brush your hair a lot thats the only thing that gets me  

  11. do you really need tv, you could use that extra time on your hair. clean your room the night beore, so that's one less thing you have to do.


  13. way better than mine i just roll out of bed and scramble lol but you could always get your books together that night and pick out your clothes at night

  14. It seems a bit hectic...if i were you, i'd be soaking up as much sleep as possible! how about just waking up, washing your face, showering, brushing out and blowdrying your hair and styling, eat breakfast, brush yoru teeth and feed the dog on your way out? its really up to you wheter or not you like this schedule, if it works for you then it honestly doesnt matter what other people think, it would be a bit rigid and hectic for me, but if you like it, keep it!

  15. umm sure. that sounds fine. if you find it harder to get up so early in the morning you could get up later and not watch tv or clean ur room. other than that... its fine. usually if you want to be organized its good to plan your school day. im going into grade ten. planning out really helps sometimes.

    good luck in grade 8!

  16. if you want a little more snooze time, pick out your clothes the night before, and put your school books in your bag and by the door, ready to go. and i don't think its really necessary to brush your hair four times... [it will give you split ends]

  17. Sure, but do you really need to watch tv? You could sleep an extra 25 minutes and bump up the schedule..

  18. How about this take your clothes out the night before to save time. Then when you wake up get up make bed then. Then shower. After that get dreesed do your hair just ONCE. After your done eat breakfast and then once your finish feed the dog and then go to school. Doesn't that sound much easier.  

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