
This is no joke. My 12 year old still has a liking to suck on baby pacifiers i found them under his bed.?

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This is no joke. My 12 year old still has a liking to suck on baby pacifiers i found them under his bed.?




  1. If it's just a strange habit, just tell him how you feel. Hopefully he'll understand that he should stop. But then again, I know people who sucked their thumbs well into the teenage years.

    But if it's a drug thing, you should definitly look into it. Hopefully he just likes pacifiers.

  2. That’s a big problem!!!!! I don't think it’s a surprise to you, cuz how did he get the pacifiers??? It’s not good for his teeth; he will grow an over-bit, which equals more money for dental work in the future. Stop him now!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Maybe he needs to see a psychologist

  4. Throw them away? It's not rocket science....

  5. Have a talk with him and tell him that pacifiers are for babies and just throw them away.

  6. im 12 and i have 2 pacifiers but thats for fun and i dont suck on them ALL the time and my parents know and think its funny erm just ask him why and then take them off him :)

  7. Please do not assume ANYTHING!! But if he is in middle school he is definitely susceptible to it but a lot of drugs make your teeth hurt and a lot of people suck on pacifiers which is why you can be arrested if you take it to school.

  8. omg .. dip em in hotsauce .. he'll stop

  9. mmmm... thats kinda not normal... but well... find a way to make him stop that habit, like a doctor or what not

  10. they use pacifiers at raves when doing ectasy so make sure that its just a quirky ahbit and he isn't out clubing at 12 I don't know anymore some kids are starting really early so just be aware and talk to him about it

  11. ohhh dear bu at least it's not drugs :)

  12. Now a days it's a fashion thing (crazy I know) I remember a few years ago where every one had on around there neck and in there mouths. They also come in different colors, and some light up, and some have flavors, it's crazy, but so is every other trend. If she is not using it for fashion, then it could be a comfort thing. When people get stressed they tend to gravitate toward something that reminds them for a better time (like being a baby when all you had to worry about was who was going to hold you). This could be her thing. She may use it while doing homework, or after to as a relaxation tool.

  13. Please be nice to him about it - he may need the comfort they provide - I was that age and still sucking my thumb, so not much difference. But it is time he stopped. Don't get cross it may backfire and drive him to feel lonely. Just a good long talk and wean him off, try to find out if  hes happy.

  14. Maybe...he enjoys the feeling. Maybe he

  15. oh my god!!! you need to cut the tips off of them so that he can stop using them!!

  16. throw them away, but where did he get them from?

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