
This is not an immature question: Please help me, I always try to help everyone?

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I got back with my boyfriend during the week. He was the man i always dreamed of (in physical appearance). but i was just thinking, u know, & i'm afraid that i don't love him anymore. It was all just his attractiveness. Could it be he's got nothing inside of him? I don't understand, i've always dreamed of him.

Please be helpful. I'm 24.




  1. choose to love him.  you can...

  2. If your not in love with him then move on you need to be with someone your in love with.  To do things together have fun and share life together.

  3. I know who you are!!!


  4. you need to try and talk to him and try to get to know him!!! and his personallitty!!  before you make any big decissions!!

  5. Well why did you break up ? If ur unhappy why did u get back with him are you afraid of him or afraid to be alone ? If he doesn't have personality then he won't be good looking to u anymore. A s**y or hunky guy can be a turn off if they have no personality. Just because you've always dreamed of him does not make him ur dream man. U have obviously outgrown the sexual attraction and need more and he cannot give it to u. I think u need time out to sort out ur feelings. Good luck.

  6. Well, when we mature into young women, we begin to realize that outward appearance doesn't go for the long run -- esp. when so many of 'his' ways can outweigh it.

    I'm thinking that you got back with him for a reason, and on the other hand, you are maybe wondering why.

    If he doesn't have the personality that suits your needs, then he's not for you.

  7. Well, looks only go so far, and this is just evidence of the fact.  Sure he may be very physically attractive, but if there is no chemistry between your personalities, then you are likely better off on your own.  I think you should trust your instincts, you were given them for a reason.  Don't let them go to waste, they are there to protect you.

  8. Maybe you just looked at what he looks like... and not whats inside...i think the sinside is more important... looks dye.

  9. How long have you been with him...long enough to have gotten to know any of his personality???  If not, do things together to get to know each other.  Talk...about his interests, yours, dreams, desires, etc.  See where he's coming from.  It is very common at your age to fall for someone because of their appearance...especially at first.  If that's all it is, the relationship won't last long.  If it's more than just'll want to continue to be with him, and get to know him more....until whatever happens in the long term.

  10. So maybe it was only a physical attraction? You know you out grow people sometimes, maybe you should go slow and try to get to know him all over again? Be friends see what he really possesses and then go on from there?

    Go slow...

  11. You might want to listen to your inner self. It seems like you might be realizing you are attracted to him for his physical appearance only and not his personality or character and all the other important things. You could just give it some time and see how the relationship goes or if you are sure it is just the physical attraction, then you might want to save both of you some heartache and just call it off and move on. Time will tell if it is what it needs to be or not, it is a risk though to find out.

  12. if you dont love him then dont be with him because if you hold off till more time passes it will be harder for the both of you. you shouldnt be with someone if you dont love them it just wasnt meant to be. just be honest with him thats the best you can do  

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