
This is not fair and something must be done!!!?

by  |  earlier

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The story goes whenever I get my paychecks it has my pay stub on the bottom and it has the wrong social security number. I told my boss to change it and he hasnt so I have about 5 pay stubs and now I have to pay a 20$ fee for each and every pay stub just because he made a typo on my social security number. This is complety unfair because I gave him the right social security number and let him copy it too on the scanning machine. Now he is telling me I have to pay 20$ for each paystub.

What do you think I should do I told him he should pay for the mishap he has made on my paystubs but he refuses.

Any tips or Ideas to help me not pay a 100$ for reissuing new paystubs? Thanks for the help people?




  1. Talk to him and payroll office immediately and don't walk out until the information is correct.  

    Don't pay him anything any more.  

    I don't know you would want to take him to small claims for such a small amount.

    Document everytime you have issued the correct information to him and what he has done such as made copies etc. have him sign his name that he now has the correct info.  You need all types of proof if you take him to court,  he can always say that is the info you gave him.

    Good luck, stay on his toes until the error is correct

  2. Tell him you will report him to the IRS for false reporting.  That might get his attention.

  3. don't worry about getting new copies of the old pay stubs.  Especailly if he is charging for them  ($20 each seems quite high for a new stub!)

    Just make sure that he changes your SS# on all your future stubs, and that he reports your SS# correctly.

    As long as your W-2 is correct, you will be fine.

  4. Don't worry about the paystubs.  As long as your W-2 is correct at the end of the year, you don't need paystubs with the number corrected.

  5. Actually He should pay .  It was his error. Take him to court.

  6. take him to small claims court

  7. I wouldn't recommend waiting for your W2. It's just going to delay  everything.  I suggest you take action as of now and get it corrected.  You shouldn't have to pay a penny for a correct pays stub.  Your employee file should have your application, and copies of all legal documents.  If he isn't being cooperative, call the 1800 hr hot line if there is one available to you.

    I understand you want to fix this obviously but I also would assume you don't want to jeopardize your proffesional relationship at work.  Working with tension can be rather uncomfortable and cause a future problem.

  8. Check your records at social security to make sure that he has been paying both his share and your share for the right number. In your future this can mean more than $100 if he is not paying it, and your records there are wrong.

  9. What do you mean a "$20 fee" for each paystub?  Notify your employer IN WRITING VIA CERTIFIED MAIL that your SSN is wrong in their payroll records and request immediate corrective action.

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