
This is not normal. I am def peeing too much???

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5 weeks pregnant and all day today I have been peeing hardcore. Like literally sometimes only 10 minute intervals. I take a sip of water,,I pee. It feels like the minute something is there, it has to come out. I'm also feeling like there is pressure on my bladder. I know that cannot be a baby because the baby is too small. I don't think it's a bladder infection because it doesn't burn when a pee. Does anybody have any ideas what could be going on?





  2. Possible the uterus is pressing on your bladder.  Same thing happens at the end of pregnancy. You may also have gestational diabetes.  If it keeps on happening I would call your doctor tomorrow.  Good luck :)

  3. Hcg levels.

  4. I had the same issue for a while when I was a couple months along. Mine was so bad at one point I was up every 20 minutes all night long going to the bathroom. It sucked and I still get up in the middle of the night to go and my daughter is almost 3.  

  5. That is very normal for pregnancy. I am 11 weeks pregnant and have been having that problem for weeks now. If you are worried though just call your doctor to make yourself feel better.

  6. Welcome to pregnancy hormones, lol!  Yep, it's normal and will not get any better, sorry to say, until the baby is born.

  7. It could still be a bladder infection. I had recurring bladder infections throughout my entire pregnancy and not one time did it burn. I asked the nurse why and she said a lot of time women have different symptoms than they normally would for a UTI when they're pregnant. So I'd call your doc and atleast get a urine analysis done. You don't want to let it go and have it turn into a kidney infection which is much more serious.  

  8. You need to get used to this because you are going to be a fire hydrant for the next 8 months- you enjoy now honey.

  9. It is the baby as hard as that is to believe since he is tiny tiny.  The uterus is popping up a little bit and it is putting more pressure on your bladder.  It will go away once your uterus pops up over your pelvic bone but dont get to comfortable because as soon as that baby is big enough he will be kicking it around anyways and you will be back to peeing every 5 seconds.  Good luck and congrats!!

  10. That would be pregnancy dearie! That's how it works, it lets up around 12 weeks. It's the most annoying thing in the world - I know, but you just gotta put up with it for now.  

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