
This is pretty much driving me crazy...?

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ok so i have not started my period for august. i am attributing this to stress because 3 pregnancy tests i have taken have been BFNs. i have missed one or two periods through the years due to stress, and i was very stressed out last month due to planning my wedding. i was supposed to start only a few days before my wedding. i am seriously hoping that this is what happened and not something worse. i believe i ovulated this month because i used one ovulation test strip that my husband's cousin had just to see what it would say and she said it meant i was ovulating. (im not very familiar with the tests, it was the first time i used one). that was on august 18th, then a few days later i used one again and i was no longer ovulating. so i am going crazy because im not sure when i should expect my period or even begin pregnancy testing if i dont start by a certain amount of time. if someone can just give me some insight that would be great.




  1. If the ovulaiton test was positive--both lines have to be the same color or the test line has to be darker than the control line--then it means you ovulated sometime between 12-48hours after the positive. So you got a pos on Aug 18th, then you most likely ovulated on the 19th. After ovulation your period should follow in somewhere between 10-16 days, with about 14 being average. So let's assume you ovulated on Aug 19th, 14 days later would be Sept 3rd that your period would be due. So expect it anytime around then.  

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