
This is pretty wierd don't you think??

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday me my boyfriend and some friends were at my bf's house this morning I got a message from a friend with a pic of my bf's little brothers room and she said he showed her his closet and inside there were tons of pictures of me.this is a little disturbing what should I do?




  1. Wow it Looks Like Someone Has a Crush on you I Would Just leave it alone a little boys Crushes Shouldnt be Ruined Just Sit back and feel the POWER!!!!!

  2. ha. that is pretty awesome you should totally make him your slave he will prob. get you any thing you want (soda,food,etc) but nothing sick

  3. That is really creepy.I would ask your bf about that...

  4. I would ignore it. He probably likes you.

  5. wow tats little is he? he probly just looks up to his big bro and likes you....its not that uncommon....ive had my bfs little bros like me before...the fact that he has pics of you is kinda weird tho...wer they pics that you didnt know wer bein taken of you? if so then wow

  6. um okay definetly weird.....just confront the little kid he proly has crushes like this all the time ...wel hopefully anyway good luck!

  7. Look at it as a positive thing... you have a fan club and the president is your bf's lil brother!!


  8. y is it disturbing? u should be happy that people think your pretty and the lil brother prob has a crush on u

  9. Yes, that is really strange.  It is like he is obsessed with you.  I am sure that he really likes you.  You should tell your boyfriend to talk to him and let him know that you find it really disturbing.

  10. I would tell my boyfriend. Thats creepy. Tell your boyfriend to talk to ask him why there are pictures of HIS girlfriend in his closet. The little brother might get mad but he's not the one you're going out with. Maybe request that your boyfriend asks him to take the pictures out of his closet because it's weird.

  11. yupp

    puurrty wierd

    good me answer this question!!

  12. It's normal for a kid to have a crush on his brothers girlfriend. Just tell your boyfriend and let him figure it out.

  13. yes that is very where but he prob has a crush on you and stol picts lol

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