
This is probably a strange question at 10 weeks pregnant?

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I'm 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. I'm concerned because the symptoms seem to have disappeared. The morning sickness is significantly better, my breats are not sore, my face has cleared up and I am no longer constipated. Is this normal????????????

I saw the baby and heartbeat about 4 days ago. I have had mild cramping and NO spotting or bleeding.

My last pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage and I had no bleeding then either. I also saw the heartbeat just before. So those aren't too reassurring. i know...stress is not good. I distract myself.




  1. yea thats normal all of my symptoms went away at 14 weeks i was soooooo glad because i had terrible morning sickness my b***s were still a little sore but that was about it. And the cramping is normal because your uterus is stretching so everything will be fine i have 2 boys but my last preg. ended in misscarriage also and now im 24 preg. with baby boy number 3 so good luck and enjoy the rest of ur pregnancy

  2. You are fine that just means that your pregnancy is just kicking in second gear.  

  3. Yes this is normal because the placenta is starting to take over the hormone production and since your body is not have to produce all of these hormones your symptoms have eased off. My started easing off around 9 weeks. Try not to stress too much.

  4. befor i could feel my son moving at about five mounths i was always stressing if he was ok! and of course he was.... i think your just having normal thoughts and feelings! im sure your ok... just think positive... your in the middle of your third mounth.. the morning sickness mellows out and your breast are not as sore and if you think you are constipated now just wait till the end when your baby is smashing everything :)

  5. my pregnancy was the same way. i wouldnt worry about it.  and congrats on the pregnancy!

  6. Try and not worry about it to much. I'm sure your baby is just fine. Call your doctor up and talk about your concerns with him/her and see if they would be willing to let you see the baby's heart beat just to put you at ease.

  7. That is perfectly normal.  Early symptoms frequently start slowing down around 10 weeks, and completely disappear by 12 weeks.  With my first pregnancy, my symptoms went away early and I had a very easy rest of the pregnancy.  I wish I could say the same about my current pregnancy.

  8. Very normal.

    First - I had hardly any symptoms in the first trimester (tender b*****s and fatigue)

    Second - of those symptoms I did have they were gone by 10 weeks!

    It's normal to be nervous, but if you've seen the heartbeat and it is a good rate (above 120) you should be fine. Just because you had one miscarriage does not mean you are doomed to have another one.

    As for mild cramping. I am 23 weeks and that has yet to go away.

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