
This is probably a stupid question but....

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how do fish mate?

and like....mermaids [if they were real]

please leave nice comments. :]




  1. They swim beside each other for long periods of time, the male releases its seed as the female releases its eggs, the seeds find the eggs and sort of burrow into them, thus making it fertile.

    Mermaids would be the same, female lets eggs out and male deposits sperm near them.


  2. i bet a little hole thats like invisible is on a female and the reproductive organ ofthe male fish pops out like a dogs you-know-what. dont bet on it cause im 12 lol

  3. There are two basic methods:

    * Egg layers - The female drops or positions hers eggs, either in the open or in a prepared nest.  The male then 'milts' meaning he deposits sperm over the eggs; this is usually an imprecise process but it appears to be effective.

    * Live bearers - In most cases the male has a gonopodium; this is a structure analogous but not identical to a p***s, consisting of a modified anal fin.  This is used to insert sperm into the female, who carries the eggs until they hatch.

    As for the mermaids - well I don't know, since it's not clear if their reproductive parts are more like fish or mammals.  Given that mermaids have b***s, they probably have live young which suggests that internal fertilization is involved.

  4. Depending on the species, they might make a nest, or just do it in a stream or river or whatever.

    This is how it goes for most species of fish: First the female deposits her eggs, and then the male deposits his sperm over the eggs, fertilizing them. That's pretty much all there is to it. They don't actually come into physical contact when mating.  

  5. yeagh

  6. Bernie Mac just died of Pneumonia

  7. just like us the have the same parts

  8. mother lay eggs sometimes and the dad jizzes on them

  9. woah.good question

  10. Well, a lot of types just wrap around each other and the male squeezes the eggs out of female.  Those are egglayers.  Livebearers are different.  I never see them do it cause they always do it at night when the light is off, but they do have babies a lot!  Mermaids aren't real so no one really made up how they breed I'm sure!

  11. Here's how it goes in step-by-step order.

    -Male makes a bubble nest, and attracts the female.

    -Female hangs out with him (literally) and eventually will lay her eggs.

    -Male fertilizes eggs and waits for them to hatch.

    If you're thinking about breeding, pick up a breeder's kit and also make sure you have a ten gallon tank. Fry (baby fish) come in by the hundreds!!!

    Hope that helps.

  12. Spawn!

  13. ━━━━━━━━┏┓

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  14. Well, The female fish lays eggs in a safe place, the the male fertilizes the eggs. And If mermaids were real.... well i really don't know

  15. mating.

    Well, you certainly are quite the imgaginative person.

    I imagine they um...

    do it? lol How?

    I don't know.

    But can help you there.

    And mermaids.

    Well I'd say they can't mate.

    Their entire bottoms where their mating places should be are covered in scales.

    Maybe they mate how fish do?

  16. They have parts just like us! how do you think we can tell between the gender difference? then the female has eggs, and the male fertilizes them

  17. d***o's



  18. They hook up!

  19. they lay eggs and the male fertilizes

  20. You jump in the sea and swim arround, you will soon find a mermaid, if they were real?? what Ive caught me fair share

  21. same as humans

  22. Fish breed in many ways, and yes you can watch. In fact, watching fish breed is one of the great fascinations in the hobby because there are so many interesting breeding strategies among fish.

    There are two main strategies that fish use: egglaying and livebearing.

    Livebearing fish do what the name suggests. The female gives birth to fully formed, free-swimming young. The female fish is internally fertilized by the male fish, and carries the fry for about a month before delivering them. Upon delivery, the babies swim off, hide, and begin searching for food.

    Livebearers include the popular mollies, platies, swordtails, and guppies. Other livebearers are halfbeaks, anableps, and fish in the Goodeid family. They are easy to s*x, as the female is larger, and the male has a rod-like anal fin called a gonopodium that he uses to internally fertilize the female. After fertilization, the female can produce multiple batches of babies without a male present.

    Egglaying is also what the name suggests: the fish lay eggs instead of giving birth to little fish. As the fish grow, they hatch into fry with an attached yolk sac, and then mature into fish. The process usually takes around a week to 10 days, although it can vary widely.  

  23. haha, wow. what made you think of that?

  24. yes. they breed and spawn and it depends if its a live bearer or a goldfish.

    goldfish chase each other and then the male gets pimples on his gills the female will develop a big tummy.

    live bearers like black mollies guppies, ect do there own thing . black mollie male will stick his anal fin in to the female then the female will release her fry.

  25. your right, it is stupid question,

    why do you want to know,

    are you a fish or something

  26. they pretty much poo out sperm and the eggs and sperm mix and thats how mermaids though um i guess his things pops out from under the scales and a flap reveals hers idk

  27. Gee, it's funny how people can come up with such inferior answers and call the askers inferior............ You guys who gave dumb answers must be even more inferior. This person asked "please leave nice comments" majority of the immature answers in here refused to listen to the askers kind question, therefore, you shouldn't be answering this askers question if you guys are going to come up with ideas of like explicit kinds of answers.

    Anyways, to answer the askers question, some people in here made excellent answers or at least tried their best to answer your question. This is not a stupid question because, people that has no information or knowledge on fish just out of curiosity wants to know, so you ask, and you'll receive the answer from GOOD people, I capitalized good because I want the bad to read this.

    Usually, it depends on the species of fish. The Bettas for example, the male makes a bubble nest. While others just builds a nest around it's home. So it really depends, but to make it plain and simple, the female usually lays it's eggs in the nest, and the male goes and fertilizes it. Once again, it all depends on the species of fish that you want to know. look up reproduction cycle of the name of the fish and more than likely, Yahoo search engine will have specific sites for you to visit to find out how fish reproduces.

    I hope this helps......... Good luck................

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