
This is probably stupid but is there any way of suspecting someone you know of being g*y or bi? ?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering is there is any way of suspecting someone of being g*y or bi. I am bi myself so i dont mean this in a negative way i may not have phrased it well




  1. It is not always easy to tell!

    It's funny you ask this question, because one young man who asked about his own sexuality on Y!A a couple days ago included a picture of himself in the Hair section.  From the photo I would have sworn he was g*y, but he was just a straight boy who liked some feminine things.

    Possible subtle hints you might notice would be:

    -- if you caught a guy looking at you but then he suddenly looked away when you noticed him watching you

    -- if a guy looks at other guys a long with kind of a longing gaze

    -- if a guy looks at you with a "hypnotized" look

    -- if a guy flirts with you, e.g., winks, interested smile, comments about you that hint at romance or your/his appearance

    -- if he admires your muscles or hair

    -- if he touches you on the shoulders, back, heck, hands, leg, hair -- pretty much if he likes touching you anywhere, lol

    -- if he gives you or other guys hugs and is not afraid to hold the hugs

    -- if he seems to take a lot of interest in his appearance and clothing

    -- if he has no girlfriend and doesn't seem to want one

    -- on the other hand if he talks constantly about girls and how hot they are, as if he has to prove himself

    Try to find out his opinion on g*y marriage and g*y and L*****n people.

    If you are older you can ask, "Are you single, married or partnered?"

    But if he is someone you are interested in, he would be worthy of knowing as a friend...someone who might open up to you if he thought it was safe to do so.  It all takes time.

  2. i don't think you mean 'suspecting', i think you mean verifying.

    is there any way to verify that someone you know is g*y or bisexual? yes. ask them. nicely.

  3. There is every way of suspecting anyone of anything or everyone of everything but why do you want to waste your energy on being suspicious. Relax, people are whatever they are.

  4. I really don't think it is a good idea to try to figure it out on your own. Unless they tell you they are or aren't, Don't jump to conclusions. I really don't know any fool-proof way to tell, so you you always run the risk of guessing wrong, and some people might find that offensive. I know I wouldn't want others questioning my sexuality. Thats just weird.

    And Imean, I had a close guy friend who always hung around lots of girls, etc etc...and he told me he was g*y and I've never been more surprised. Just goes to can never be sure. ;-)

  5. Unless:

    1) Someone closest to them tells you

    2) The "straight" person (male or female) you suspect has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend

    3) The person hangs around with the same gender almost every second of the day

    4) YOU know about the person's lovelife

    5) The person shows sign of being g*y or bi

    you will never know unless you find out.

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