
This is probebly a really and stupid question but......?

by  |  earlier

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Well you know how everyone is saying that the only true moisturiser that works and keeps you looking young is sunscreen? Well, ive always wondered that if you put sunscreen on your face every day but not on the rest of your body, wont your face become a different colour from the rest of you skin because its not getting tanned?

This is probebly a really stupid question but I cant decide for my self whether you would end up with an untanned face or not.

thanks :)




  1. yes, if you protect your face, but not the rest of your body they will end up different colours. but the difference will be barely noticeable, because your face will end up a bit tanned as well. you can always make sure you put sunscreen on your body too.

  2. well, you could put sunscreen on your entire body, than it would even out. If your spf is 15 in your face mosterizer, than use an spf 15 in your body lotion, you'll still get tan, but it won't be noticably different colors, cause your body would get as much sun as your face. Plus, what harm would it do to put sunscreen on your body. Than it'll be less wrinkly in 40 years, as well as your face!

  3. Your face will still tan. It just wont tan as fast as the rest of your body. Sunscreen doesnt block 100%  the suns rays.. it just blocks most of them so its alot harder for your skin to burn.

    But if you just need a moisturizer then there are plenty out there that have uv protection in them.

    I personally like neutrogena and biore products

  4. I think you would have an untanned face, but it would also be less wrinkly than the rest of your body in time...(I think!)...I didn't say it wouldn't have any wrinkles, now, did I? That's a good question!

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