
This is reallllllly wierd...need some answers!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So i am a senior, and i signed up to be a freshman mentor...I have this kid, who likes me(keep in mind we are on the opposite food chains) he has no chance...then i have my senior ex boyfriend, who is asking me out often...

both these guys i think like me...and i dont want either of them...i want someone but i am afraid that there isnt anyone in the school that i feel i would like...what should i do...

In terms of boyfriend...

in terms of the freshman...

and in terms of wanting a boy at my side...

the person who can help with these three the best is garunteed 10 pnts.




  1. If you aren't interested in either guy then don't date either of them.  

    As for the one being a freshman, age doesn't matter all that much to most people.  I have a coworker whose wife is 5 years older than he is.  So don't toss this guy aside based on his age.  Do it based on the fact that you don't like him that way.  

    Wanting a boyfriend is normal.  Just don't date a guy for any other reason than liking him.

  2. First of all the freshman is your student. You signed up to be a mentor, so don't mix business with pleasure.

    Secondly, why did you and your ex boyfriend break up? Keep that in mind when he's asking you out and see if it's really worth it to you to accept his offer.

    Lastly, you don't NEED a boyfriend at all times! And you'll look hotter to the guys at school who think you're playing hard to get instead of being that girl who dates everybody. Don't settle, date someone you really like and who really likes you. Otherwise, what are you gaining?  

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