
This is really bugging me!

by  |  earlier

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Well, i am really frustrated about this problem i am 5ft 4 and 15 years old, and my b'day is in November.

All my friends are a few months younger than me, and are 5ft 9 - 5ft 11 and almost have full beards, where as i dont even have a moustache.

Am i a late bloomer? or i am i one of those really weird anomolous people who have some condition.

My biology teacher told me that big hands and feet are signs of a growth spurt, i where UK size 9 shoes, sometimes 10, and my hands are 7 inches.

Well, i this is bugging me because they always talk about facial hair and stuff and i look like an idiot.

thanks alot for reading btw.




  1. You're probably just a late bloomer.

  2. Hello there,

                     It's difficult to be completely sure, but I would say that you are a later bloomer rather than having some anomaly. If you were extra tall, then some anomaly could be more likely. I would give it six months to see whether there are any changes and then have a check if not. You don't say whether you are making any s***n just yet. If you are, that is encouraging, but don't fret too much if not as that should happen soon.   Good luck.

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