
This is really starting to be a bother. Could you help?

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Now I'm not a prude in any shape or form, but I feel this is inappropriate.

My father says perverse things and makes sexual references to my mom saying things such as "Let me bang you", "I want you to blow me" etc. He touches her sometimes also.

He completely ignores the fact that I'm standing RIGHT THERE and that I can hear and see everything that he's doing.

I leave the room, but he shouldn't be saying things like that with ME present.

I could care less if he said things like that PRIVATELY, but he'll say it whether I'm there or not and it's making me feel uncomfortable.

And it takes ALOT to disturb me.

Any suggestions? Don't bother answering if your answer is going to be rude or inappropriate. I won't tolerate idiots.




  1. Honey you are absolutely right.  That is not good.

    Try talking to your mom and tell her you hate when dad does that in front of you its embarrassing.

    or......if he does it again say "Ewww Dad nobody wants to think about their parents Gross." Play it off by saying something like that.  My word hopefully he will get the hint.

    Good Luck  :)

  2. Okay, I don't blame you at all for being disturbed by that. I'm the same way and I had the same problem. Unlike most problems this one has a pretty simple solution. All you need to do is next time it happens just say something like "Hello, do you not see me here? Take it to your room!" Or if your Dad is really uptight and not so cool tell him it makes you uncomfortable, and that he should stop doing that in front of you. It works for most people, so I hope it works for you. Good luck!

    Autumn 13 WI  

  3. If your Dad is a reasonable person, take him aside and tell him just that. Do it very nicely and respectfully. He will hear you but be prepared for an unreasonable answer. That comes from embarrassment.

  4. Wow, that sucks! I bet that is really awkward for you. Your dad should know better, and your mom shouldn't let it happen... but it was it is so I would talk to your dad about it privately or both of them together. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Just say what you said on here... that makes you really uncomfortable and he shouldn't being doing it. Maybe ask him how he would feel if he was you. If he still wont stop you may need to take it to the next level by talking to an adult that could help you ( school consular.. )

    But he if he has any respect for you at all he would stop when you clearly and respectfully tell him that it bothers you.

    Hope that helps a little! I feel for you..  

  5. The way your Dad is acting is rude and innapropriate. Is there any way you could talk to you Mom about this? Ask her how she would feel if strangers were acting this way, a restaurant at the next table. If she doesn't see your point I'd suggest commenting " you are so vulgar" every time he does this. I'd say it in public too..let him feel a little embarrassment. It might just cure him.

  6. Talk to your Mom about the comments and tell her it makes you feel uncomfortable. Let her talk to him. I doubt that it would do you any good to say anything to him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be saying rude and crude stuff around you in the first place. Talk to your Mom.

  7. easy, confront both your parents about this.

  8. listen to wat other people say

  9. wow awkward? how long has he been saying this stuff? like did he just start? i would just talk to my mom and have her talk it over with him... good luck otherwise just attempt to block out the thoughs lol.

  10. Your dad does this? He is sick/disgusting for doing that. Your mother should have made him stop this behavior or left him. How long has this been happening? I sounds to me like he is trying to create a sick perverted environment.

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