
This is really strange, help please? :(?

by Guest56697  |  earlier

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people say i'm "really pretty" i dont really think so but anyways, everywhere i go and there are older men around i always feel like they're staring at me or my b***s since i have some lol. i know they aren't trying to rape me or anything but i still feel uncomfortable. i've tried lots of things, from putting on a sweatshirt or crossing my arms but it still makes me feel weird :/

how do i get over the fact that all men aren't trying to rape me? btw i've never been raped before and i'm not planning on getting raped...thanks :/




  1. Most guys like to look but does not mean they will do anything but look.  My wife has a very large chest after she had hers redone and her advise if you have something guys want to look at then enjoy the attention!!  Good Luck

  2. Well it's hard to say that everyone's NOT looking. I mean, men look at pretty girls...its our nature. I think if you're really uncomfortable being looked at, it may be a self esteem issue. You need to do things that make you feel more in control. If you have a hobby or favorite activity, do it more often so that you feel extremely confident and "untouchable". That way, when someone don't care :)

  3. i have huge b***s, and it used to bother me, and i used to try and avoid it all, but after a while you just have to accept it. so if you feel confident, and just ignore, and learn to deal with it, it wont become such a problem anymore.

  4. When a guy sees a pretty girl with nice b***s, it brightens his day a little. The older guys have been through many problems and heartache as they age, so seeing you reminds them of being a young and lively teenager again for just a few moments.

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