
This is ridiculous i need advice please help?

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someone told my girlfriend that i cheated on her and its a complete lie. now she called me and flipped out on but i told her it wasnt true then when she didnt believe me i flipped out on her. and now weve barley talked since the fight and she says she needs her space but that makes me so mad because i didnt do anything wrong and i dont think she has any right to be mad at me. but i am super mad about this but i dont want it to end our relationship.

what should i do?

does she have the right to be mad?

do i have the right to be mad?





  1. if you truly didnt cheat then great!

    she should trust you when you say you didnt and it is not on you to get her to come back...if she is smart she will realize that she was wrong and come back, if worries. you need someone who trusts you right?

  2. she has a right to be upset..but after she cools down a bit she should hear Your side and if you guys have enough trust in your relationship then she should believe you and if not then...don't get too upset over it.

  3. Can you confront whomever told her this lie and get them to tell her the truth?  If not, give her some space and try having a rational conversation about the situation.  If she's not willing to take your word for it over this 3rd person, it doesn't bode well for your relationship in the long run.

  4. if she doesn't want to listen to you or even believe what you said then wtfs the point shes worthless dump her

  5. i think its pretty lame that she would believe someone else instead of you...her boyfriend..

    but yeah i would break up with her

    sounds like she has trust and or personal issues

  6. Feelings are neither right nor wrong;They just are. you need to sit down with your gf and work this out. Find out why she doesn't believe you. Is there some past history(yours or hers) that is causing this? Is she insecure? Is the person that told her this someone trusted but who could have a secret agenda? Forget about the right to be mad or the right to be right or wrong. It is far better to be happy than right! Show this to your gf and start talking. Good luck!!!!

  7. well you shouldn'tt have flipped out on her.

    you should tell her calmly the TRUTH and see what she says. If she needs her space give it to her. She has no evidence that you cheated on her so no she doesn't have a righ tto be mad at you. She should trust you, you have a righ tto be mad but don't show it. Be a man show her you didnt cheat!

    hope this helps

  8. First of all you're getting mad the wrong should get this mad at the person who told her that you were cheating...yeah it might be heartbreaking that she doesn't believe you...but you have to look at it from her point of view...where there times you've lied over little tiny things? have you shown her a lot of attention show her that you love her? Maybe little cracks in your relationship made her think the lies were can't be mad at her for that. Try to fix those little cracks and give her cold hard evidence that you weren't cheating. Look at this way.... you need to show her a alibi at the time in which this was supposedly had happened and have those people give proof  for your whereabouts...also the more you flip out the more guilty you look

  9. Wrong section put it in singles and dating.

    Shes stupid for following rumors, ignore it and let her choose her own path, do you want to be with someone whos going to have a hissy fit every time someone " Says Something"  

  10. Tell her the truth and asked her why she might think that and confront that person and tell them its not true or whatever the case may be  

  11. I feel your pain. Here's what, you meet her and talk to her. Some place where you and her can talk one and one without any distractions or interruptions. You look her in the eye and tell her that you are not cheating on her. You give her reasons, honest reasons of course, why she should believe you. If she insists that you are really cheating on her, ask her for proof/evidence. If she wants space, tell her you love her and that you understand and that you will give her all the time that she needs to think about things but also at the same time you will wait for her because you love her and that you also hope that she will stay with you.

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