
This is silly, <span title="buttttttttttttttttttttt.........">buttttttttttttttttttttt.....</span>

by Guest56543  |  earlier

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what does feeling drunk feel like? i have been offered beer but i said no. im 13 and want to know what it feels like to be drunkk.




  1. i am 23 and never been drunk, you dont have to drink to be cool. beer is a drug, a legal drug. didnt your parents tell you not to do drugs???

  2. its like being car sick... its not cool broh

  3. You have a silly butt, gross!

  4. im 15 and when you do it by yourself it sucks but when your with people its real nice haha you just cant walk strait and feel reaaally happy and you might get a little dizzy. if you feel sick like your gonna throw up just stick your fingers down your mouth and throw up it will make you feel better...then drink more :) and when you get a hangover just take like four or five benadril and fall aslepp....or just smoke some weed,,that fixes everything

  5. hold your breath till you feel faint.

  6. im gonna tell you its nice for a while then it becomes a problem next your causing things to happen you wish didnt wait dude please!

  7. it feels like you on top of the world

  8.   Best description I can come up with is, You feel more easygoing,

    and giggly. Very lightheaded, and more confident. The day

    afterward, consequences are: Headache the size of a bowling ball,    thirsty beyond imaginable, and &#039;not wanting to remember what you

    did the night before!&#039;....Usually, but not always!

    Can not leave out getting nauseousus and feeling sick to your stomach,

    hugging the toilet bowl at times, and not being able to balance,

    see straight or accomplish much of anything that isn&#039;t involving

    trouble of some kind.

    Doesn&#039;t seem too worth it in exchange for a few hours of forgetting your current troubles or be able to socialize much easier?

    Your troubles or problem is still there the next day, and sometimes

    it is now bigger than before, you have to try to remember if you

    turned into a idiot or said something stupid that can not ever be

    taken back......EVER! Or even worse, did something that you

    would not normally do had you not drank!

    Take some good advice, and be happy you do not know yet

    what being drunk feels like, and hopefully, keep it that way!

    It is NOT all it is cracked up to be! It is harder to handle life

    sober, but has fewer regrets! Good Luck!

  9. Take a double shot of NyQuil and a redbull. If you feel dizzy but happy, you&#039;re almost there.

  10. ahhhh, it&#039;s feel like c**p! i&#039;m 24 and got drunk ONCE in my life like 3 summers ago, and have made sure to NEVER get drunk again. You feel completely silly and giddy while your drunk, you laugh at everything, and you get dizzy and trip when you stand up and try walking. at least that happens to me cause apparently i&#039;m what they call a &quot;happy drunk&quot;.

    my best friend is anything but that! she&#039;s a laid back drunk who is totally calm and quiet when she&#039;s drunk. she doesn&#039;t talk much, just chills and watches everyone around her.

    then you have the drunks that get mean. they just want to fight and make fools out of themselves when drunk. believe;s not appealing thing..

    oh....i forgot to mention that after my drunken encounter, i went home and ended up crawling up the stairs to my room with the help of my dear cousin, and then ended up having to go to the toilet and throw up for like 10 minutes, then the next day, i woke up feeling like absolute c**p because i had the worst headache and hangover, and thennnnn i had to leave work after just three hours to come home and sleep. believe me, your not missin out on anything! ;)

  11. ^ Good question...! I heard you feel woozy and light headed.


  12. I&#039;ve never been drunk since I&#039;m only 12, but I think you&#039;re just knocked out and you get a major headache the next day

  13. i have no clue! but it&#039;s funny to watch. good decision though, i&#039;m almost 16 and haven&#039;t even tried it yet!

    Alcohol basically consumes the mind so you do things uncontrollably,

    people think they are funny when they get drunk, and it&#039;s true. but there are some really bad things that can happen to drinking and being drunk.

    just stay away like you are! (:

  14. loose, relaxed, social. get drunk with a few friends and find out yourself.

  15. well when i was buzzed b4 i was very giggle amd my face was hot and red. and i felt warm inside my throut. but drunk. never done it but will one day.

  16. it can be funny but most of the time its just a hindrance excuse the spelling, you just loose control of body functions so if you like feeling in control in social situations then you won&#039;t enjoy it but you gotta do it every now and then ha

  17. FUN!! Hahahahaha bring on my 22nd on Saturday night!!!!

  18. i can&#039;t tell u from experience because i am only 13 but my dad says it is great and u dont feel anything but wen u wake up ull feel horible and probably barf.(if u dont find ureself in the bed with a ugly woman that probably ways 500 pounds. ull brobably will be like the cayote and bite ure arm off if its under her and u cant escape).

    i hope u dont do it.

  19. Go to a hypnotist show and get hypnotised.  In both cases the state of mind you find yourself in is very similar, your judgement circuits get shut down and suddenly everything everyone suggests seems like an absolutely fabulous idea.  &quot;What&#039;s that?  I should kiss the next girl who takes off her glasses?  Don&#039;t know why but.... okay!&quot;.

    In addition, you also lose motor skills (like being dizzy but without the spinning) and start seeing double (like looking through a kaleidoscope, or at a broken mirror.

    So if you get hypnotised, spin around real fast and then look at a broken mirror, it will be like you&#039;re drunk.  Doesn&#039;t sound like much fun?  Four-fifths of the fun of drunkenness is about being around other drunk people who are having fun.

  20. don&#039;t do the nyquil, make sure you only drink a couple to get buzzed

    you don&#039;t want to get shwasted

  21. ahah im a little older then you and when i was 13 felt the same thing so i actually tried it it wasn&#039;t that fun because i wasn&#039;t really ready and i didnt like understand it

    now i have gotten drunk many times its fun you feel really wierd and can&#039;t really control yourself you should usually be with someone that is sober so that you dont get to out of hand

    my first time was very bad i wouldnt want you to feel the same you should wait till u know ur ready

  22. i think that you feel really dizzy and some people tend to do things that they normally wouldn&#039;t

    i heard that you can&#039;t think right and it&#039;s hard to walk straight

  23. it is the worst feeling ever. especially after you wake up. you feel like the flu with diahrea and a headache. no maTTER what you do for the first 5 hours after you wake up you feel really really sick

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