
This is so unfair! Don't you agree?

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I have a twin sister, and we both got math packets over the summer. I scheduled to hang out with a friend today. My twin sister had to redo her math packet because she didn't turn in the work, so she had to redo it with the work. My mom said that I have to do half of her math packet for her. Is that fair at all? And I can't hang out with my friends until I do her math packet! It's so unfair! :(




  1. Instead of complaining (which will make things worse), try to calmly talk to your mom and rationalize with her as to why the set up isn't treating both daughters equally. Being calm is the key, no matter what the outcome is.

    Explain to her how you feel as best you can, without overreacting.

    Good luck!

  2. OMG! Yes!!!!!!!!! That is soo unfair! I would talk to your mom about it!!!! And talk to your sister about it to, and have her tell your mom that it is her responsibility, not yours!!! That is soooooo unfair!! I would be sooo mad! Hope I helped and good luck! :) ♥

  3. NO! refuse and leave!!! that is totally unfair and i know exactly how you feel!!! that is so unfair! don't do it...and leave...its her freaking work isint it???and you did yours right????so whats the problem!! make your mom do half the work!!!!

  4. I've never heard of a math packet but yeah that doesn't sound very fair. Isn't it her fault?..

    I'd hate to be in your situation, maths isn't something i've ever

    Talk to your mum about it, surely she should understand how your feeling. Be mature about it though, hopefully she will see it your way.

    Good luck


  5. Yes, it is unfair. If you done your math packet, well, then, you're free to go! Your sister has to do her own math packet herself, It was her responsibility! Don't worry about her, just go out with your friends! Tell your mum you won't do it, because you've done yours and you think It's not fair! After you have come back from going out with your friends, maybe help your sister (Tutor her or something) to do it. But don't do half of it yourself. Good luck! ;-)

  6. For once I have to agree with the kid complaining.  That isn't fair.  If you did yours on your own then she needs to do hers on her own.  I swear- this is what's wrong with kids these days, parents don't make them learn responsibility for themselves.

  7. Tell your mother that is cheating.

    How is your sister supposed to learn anything if she only does half of the work, I mean thats why she has to redo the math packet a second time, she didnt finish it  all the first time.

    If you have to do it, you and your sister need to talk to the school counsalor and teacher when you go back to school.

  8. its unfair and wrong. how is she ever going to learn if you have to do her work for her. tell your mum that. x

  9. oh that's very wrong!

    her math packet her responibility.

    tell your mom you wont do it!

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