
This is something I don't understand...?

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Why are there homeless people? Why does our economy let that happen to people? I think that the whole reason behind money is a little dumb. I mean, we have all the materials to build homeless people homes so why don't we? I know, that is costs a lot of money, that is why money is so dumb. It is making that so rich people will have these 10,000 square feet houses and homeless people stuck living in boxes! I almost think that we should just get rid of money all together and just give everyone a house, food, and furniture and electrinics (things that people want) everyone would have the same amount then and nobody would be homeless or starving. We wouldn't be running out of things because rich people wouldn't have everything times 10, the now homeless people would just have their extras. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense. It is hard to put it. But, what do you think? Agree or disagree?




  1. Capitalism is like social Darwinism. As for building poor people homes, if there is no profit, there is no point to doing anything in the capitalist system.

  2. have you ever read the book The Giver? if not,  it takes place it a "perfect society" type place, but there were a lot weird problems there. they have to have tons of rules, the don't see color, and a lot of other things like that. so i don't think there could ever be a society like the one you described. i just don't think it would work.

    A religious view of the subject is that God gave us a perfect world ,but Adam and Eve messed it up, because we are sinners. therefore the world can't be perfect and equal like that

  3. two terms you might want to look up socialism and Communism

    it all sounds good but they also have their own problems.

    I think it's a bad ideal just to give everyone a free house, food, electronics, etc but I do think we need some social safety nets in place to help those who are in need.

  4. Not that you don't have a valid point (heck, millions of people all around the world are certain you are correct) but I am going to have to disagree.  It sounds nice, just give people everything, but it does not work, no matter how hard you try.  If people are just given everything, there is no incentive to do better than someone else, there is no incentive to innovate,  there is barely any incentive to live.  Getting rid of money wouldn't make a difference.  People would still find a way to get ahead, even without money.  We would have rich people, but instead of money they would have more purple beads (so pretty) or more land or more something.  Look up Communism and you will see how big of a failure the idea of giving people everything is.  

    And to touch on homelessness, this is just my opinion, but many homeless people are just lazy.  Yes, some are not able to do anything about their situation, and I feel for them, but many are just irresponsible and lazy.  Giving them things won't change that.

  5. Wow! I have never thought of that in that way!

  6. I can't stand it either that we have thousands and thousands of people - men, women and children - who are homeless today, while we have more individuals living in luxury than ever before.  Most of what you say makes sense to me, though I don't agree with getting rid of money.

    An article that helped me with this subject is by city planner and Aesthetic Realism associate Barbara Buehler.  It is passionate and clear as it explains why homelessness exists and what can be done to end it:

    This is a link to a powerful, moving public service film "What Does a Person Deserve?" by Emmy-award filmmaker Ken Kimmelman, which is based on a question asked by Eli Siegel, the founder of Aesthetic Realism:

    Finally, here you can find links to many organizations that are fighting homelessness:

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