
This is survey for women.

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I want to conduct a survey amongst women concerning foot issues... EVERYONE seems to have some type of hang-up with them and I wanna know what exactly these reasons are... I'm a psychology major, so I'm just trying to conduct a study and see what type of results I get. I was also planning on doing this survey in person and filming the person I ask the questions to, but having them remove their shoes so that they don't think about the questions; instead it'll be how they truly feel, like an instinctual answer being that they're barefoot... I also want some feedback in that regard as to whether or not I should have them do that or not... All your help is appreciated... So here we go with the questions...

1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

5. How often are you barefoot?

6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?

7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

**When you answer, copy the questions so that I know which answer you're answering please. And please, PLEASE give me feedback or suggestions as to how I could make this a better survey. THANKS!**




  1. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    Function part of the body.  Expensive ... love the shoe's that go on 'em ... and the accessories ... TD4!

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    The smells from other ppl's feet kinda gross me out ... and when someone has so much foot fat that it's oozing out of their shoes ... I know I'm supposed to be kind to those with foot fat ... but it's so weird looking, I can't help but stare like I'm at a circus.  Sorry ;o(

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    No, too afraid of bad hygien from the salon's ... but OMG!*!*!* Did you see that new pedicure thing-a-ma-gig they have where you stick your feet into a pool of water and fish eat the dead skin off the feet ... FREAKY --- 4 sure!

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.


    5. How often are you barefoot?


    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?


    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?


    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    Tan kitten heels.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?


    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?


    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    They've never complained yet.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?


  2. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    I like them

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    They don't gross me out.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    Never been to a salon for my feet.  Why?  Waste of coin...I can paint them myself.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    No.  I don't like having my feet touched.  Why?  Tickles.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    Very often.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?

    Not at all.

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where?

    Beach, Concert, Campsites,

    and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    I hate shoes.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    Flipflops in the summer, boots in the winter

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    Never had a remark about my feet...

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    I think it odd.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    Not very well...

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    I dig them.  They get me from point A to point B.


    Interesting survey.

  3. They are feet, I walk around on them that's about it....

    yes I like foot massages

    I got barefoot as much as possible, I hate the constricting feeling of socks and shoes. if out I prefer to wear sandals even in winter

    I dont' take care of my feet, unless they get dry skin and I put lotion on.

    If I walk across gravelly beach/very rough door matt barefoot I get a really strong tingling sensation in my clitoris...

  4. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    Good and free mean of transportation.

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    They don't. As long they're not slimy

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    I don't get them done

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    No. I don't like people to touch my feet

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    As much as possible.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?


    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    no where public.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    flip flops

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    No, I don't get embarressed

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    I perfer it if he likes my neck/back more. Each to his own?

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    Pretty well. Nothing fancy

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    It's pretty normal.  

  5. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    - they r big size 10+ , have difficulty finding boots my size

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be


    - no they dont.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    -dont paint my nails . i am not a salon person

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    -yes. coz they relax tired feet.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    -i always wear slippers. i never walk barefoot. yes they r visible all the time.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?


    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    -yes, beaches, gardens & lawns

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    -slippers at home or dressing casuals, or boots and shoes for the rest.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?


    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    -who carezzz... i am myself have beautiful leg fetish

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    -not at all

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    -pretty cool

  6. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    They are an excellent mode of transportation.

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    Sweaty, stinky feet gross me out.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    I do my own because I have bills to pay.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    Yes, because it feels good.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    Around the house, more often than not.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?


    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where?

    and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    To the beach or swimming pool.  No specific feeling.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    Summer...flip flops.  

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?


    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    They are  odd.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    Very well.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    They serve their purpose.

    Edit:  Foot fetishist?  Oh well, spank away. lol

  7. 1)  I think they are dirty and look a little creepy but I love to get mine done.

    2)  They are dirty and lots of people don't clip their toenails enough.

    3)  I get a pedicure once every few months and in between I don't change my toenail polish.  I like other people doing my feet but I don't like to do them myself.

    4)  Love foot massages!  Your feet have a lot of nerve endings in them so it relaxes your whole body.

    5)  Never.  I even wear socks at home.

    6)  Yes, I can wear sandals and that's fine if my toes have been done but I don't like people looking at the bottom of my feet.  (waitressed for years, they were so ugly)

    7)  I go to the beach barefoot.  You kind of have to.  It's nice to be in the water with no shoes.

    8)  I wear sandals sometimes but mostly shoes that cover the whole foot.

    9)  No.  I don't care that much.

    10)  I think it's a bit strange.

    11)  Yes, I take care of my toenails and sometimes rub foot lotion on the bottom.

    12)  They're not bad.  

  8. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)  They aren't my favorite part of the anatomy, but they serve their purpose

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.) Feet don't gross me out in general, but if someone has the thick, yellow toenails from fungus, that is pretty gross to look at.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?  I paint them myself, when I think about it because I think that paying someone else to do it is a waste of money.  Also, I'm a mom and don't have the time to go out and do frivolous things like pedicures.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not. I have never had a foot massage.

    5. How often are you barefoot? Extremely frequently

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look? No

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot? Only to the beach; I will walk out to get the mail barefoot, as well, and one time, when taking a long walk, my shoe was rubbing the skin off my ankle, so I just walked barefoot the rest of the way home.  I feel good barefoot.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time? I like to wear shoes that are comfortable but still cute.  I prefer wedge heels.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)? I don't think that I have ever had someone comment on my feet, but I don't think that, good or bad, it would embarrass me.  It would more likely p**s me off that they were being a busybody.

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides? Whatever floats their boat

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet? I feel that I am hygenic towards my feet, but don't pamper them.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet? Fine

    Feedback on the video taping idea: I don't think that them being barefoot on tape would make their answers more honest or primal.  They might even start wondering about you--if you have some sort of foot fetish--and be uncomfortable.  There is no way to accurately have a good sampling of whether or not the answers differ when they are barefoot, because they would have to go through the interview twice, and, thus, the second time already know the questions.  It wouldn't matter if you varied the barefoot or shoed interview first, because there would be no way to tell if a person interviewed barefooted first would have been more at ease with her shoes on.  You might ask more individual-specific questions about their feet--what don't you like about your feet and why?  Would a guy being attracted to feet as opposed to b*****s, legs, or bottoms be an automatic deal-breaker relationship-wise?

  9. 1. Feet are ok. Better if they're clean and well groomed.

    2. Dirty, long, gross toenails. Foot fungus is an eew!

    3. I do them myself because my feet are way too ticklish. :-)

    4. Only once in a great while. I'm really ticklish.

    5. All the time at home.

    6. Only if I forgot to clip my toenails or something.

    7. I went barefoot at my wedding reception because my feet hurt! Relief when I go barefoot.

    8. Flip flops or tennis shoes

    9. No, not really

    10. I find it a little strange.

    11. Pretty good

    12. Feet are feet. I don't stress about them. If I forget to paint my toenails, I just wear tennis shoes that day.

  10. 1. How do you feel about feet?

    Feet don't bother me in the slightest.

    2.If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?

    I don't get grossed out.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon of paint them yourself?

    I don't often have my toenails done but if I do I paint them myself as it is more convenient.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    I enjoy foot massages as they are relaxing.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    I'm only ever barefoot when I have my slippers on as I have verrucas.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?

    It doesn't bother me at all.

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? if so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    I don't remember going anywhere barefoot apart from to the road outside my house. If your on grass then it's a nice feeling but if it's on path it hurts.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    Trainers or flat shoes - wear both about the same amount of time.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    I don't get embarrassed as I don't mind my feet.

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides.

    It doesn't bother me, everyone has something different that they are in to.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    I do take care of them but not as much as what I could do.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    Apart from my verrucas, I quite like my feet.

  11. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)  There just another part of the body.

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.) They only gross me out if there not taken care of, you know no polish, overgrown toenails, flakey skin.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why? I paint them myself, I change color so often I think I would go broke otherwise.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not. Yes, it's very relaxing.

    5. How often are you barefoot? Always in the house, almost never out doors.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look? No, well it does if I don't have my toenails painted and if for some reason I don't then I don't leave the house without shoes.

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where?  and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot? The beach and it's a free feeling.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time? Most of the time I wear sandels.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)? No.

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides? I think it's a little weird.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet? Much better than most people.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet? They can be incredibly time comsuming, you have no idea how much time it takes to keep them from looking like most peoples.

  12. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    They are good for walking.

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)


    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    Do them myself. It's cheaper.

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    No, they tickle.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    Not often. Wear flip-flops though. That's pretty barefoot.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?


    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    I go barefoot on the beach.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    flip-flops=summer; walking shoes=winter

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    only if they tell me they smell.

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    Foot fetishism is fairly common, but I think that is going a little overboard.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    Very well.

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    My feet are fantastic.

    I think you are a foot-fetishist.. It is OK to be a foot fetishist. There are foot fetish bars in large cities. I think you should visit one.

  13. I'll take part!!!

    1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)  feet are fine just the toe nails are nasty

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.) (feet claws) aka toe nails

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why? NOOO that's gross i trim them as short as i can every other day!

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.  Never had one would like one tho!!

    5. How often are you barefoot? not very much i don't like things sticking to my feet (in house) out side normally the ground is too hard or hot

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?  nope if my feet are naked and your looking it's your deal not mine!

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot? other then a beach and my office chair i don't care!

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time? sandles toe showing ones non of the them that go between the big toe and other toe... boots and tennis shoes!

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?  nope i am who i am and really don't care what others think of my feet!

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides? What ever floats your boat dude!!!

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet? they get washed just like the rest of me!  and i trim my toe nails too much!

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet? They keep me walking some times i wish i wouldn't get any pains from being on them all the time!  but my feet are cool!  not ugly and not on tv commercials!! lol

    Survey was good! !!

  14. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    they're okay, not the best though

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    the bones :x

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    paint them myself, because i dont always have time to go to a salon, or i just feel like doing something simple & quick :)

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    no, because my feet are ticklish

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    almost always in the summer, & when i sleep

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?

    not really

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    yes, stone harbor NJ. i get nervous, because i never know if sharp objects could be on the ground, or someone could step on my feet

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    flipflops & sneakers, as well as cleats for soccer & dress shoes for school

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    no, people often do

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    honestly, i think its strange

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    not too well.. i almost always have some calouses(sp?) from soccer & so much running, but i keep my toenails well taken care of & almost always painted :)

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    i like them; especially because my second toe is NOT bigger than my first toe (it bothers me when someone 2nd toes bigger than their first)

    & i think your idea about the person doing the survey barefoots a creative & good idea :) good luck!

  15. 1. Feet - I don't like them other than a baby's foot.

    2. Feet gross me out because they are dirty, smelly, and sometimes visually disgruntled.

    3. I get my toenails done at the salon and I do them myself. I do it because it makes me feel pretty. Sometimes I go sans polish but I still do my own pedicures, regardless.

    4. Foot massages are good by people who know how to do it properly. I'm ticklish so I don't like the soft ones but the Asian, rougher massages are great.

    5. I love being barefoot. I would walk barefoot everywhere if I could.

    6. Sometimes, if my nail polish is old and you can see my toenail growth with it.

    7. I walk barefoot at amusement parks, in the grass, at a club (if my feet hurt), around the house,...I feel free and natural when I am barefoot. No restrictions.

    8. I wear sneakers if I'm walking for a long time. Other than that, I wear flip flops and sandals. I wear boots in the winter.

    9. If it is bad, yes. Even when they look at them and they can see my polish is old, I get self-concious. I can handle good remarks.

    10. It's a fetish like any other so I don't really think about men who like feet.

    11. I take very good care of my feet but I don't go out of my way. I don't use creams. Just pumice stones, nail clippers, and oil.

    12. My feet are okay. I was a soldier in the army and my feet still look "healthy" so I am proud of my feet. I try not to abuse them. I don't like bunyuns and that.

    This is a great survey.

  16. I have a feeling you have probably used the phrase "toe-cleavage" this week, havn't you?

  17. 1. How do you feel about feet? (generally)

    They're feet, another body part that happens to be used to walk on. I don't feel they're very special and I really wish other people wouldn't make such a big deal about them either, it'd make life much easier for a barefooter.

    2. If they gross you out, what exactly about feet gross you out?(be specific.)

    They don't.

    3. Do you get your toenails done at a nail salon or paint them yourself? If so, why?

    I rarely do my toe nails at all, of course I cut them but I can't wear nail polish at work (work in a history theme park in period clothing, no non-authentic things like make-up, polish, modern jewelry etc)

    4. Do you like foot massages? Explain why or why not.

    No, I don't like massages at all, don't like being touched.

    5. How often are you barefoot?

    Always. Literally. I haven't worn footwear for more than eleven years and I don't intend to do so ever again.

    6. Does it make you anxious or bother you to be barefoot and have people look?

    No, only when they spout all the stupid myths about being barefoot being dangerous or even illegal in public places! That makes me angry and sad as well, that so many people are bothered by something that is harmless, and thus feel the need to bother us barefooters. I go here almost every day to combat such myths, see my other answers.

    7. Have you gone anywhere in public barefoot before? If so, where? and what type of feeling do you get when you're barefoot?

    Always, everywhere, for more than eleven years. It's very comfortable and I love to feel the different surfaces underfoot, that is the most important part of it! Walking with even the thinnest soles would be like visiting an art gallery wearing dark glasses, or a concert wearing ear plugs. I also enjoy walking on rough surfaces, it makes me feel confident in my own body to notice how strong it can be, when I walk barefoot on gravel without any discomfort.

    8. What type of shoes do you wear most of the time?

    None at all. When temperatures are below freezing I carry flipflops or chinese slippers in my bag in case I get stuck somewhere in the cold, but I haven't needed to put them on for many winters, and the rest of the year I don't even carry any with me.

    9. Do you get embarrassed if people make remarks about your feet (good or bad)?

    No, I don't get embarrassed easily :) Negative comments are rare here in the Netherlands but lots of people ask questions like isn't it cold or uncomfortable, that's all. Only teens in groups call names but they'd call me 'light house' or ask if I was on fire when I had my hair dyed red too, they do that with anything out of the ordinary, I don't care.

    10. How do you feel about guys that are into feet as opposed to liking women's' front or back-sides?

    It's totally their business what turns them on, as long as they're not pushy about it. I'm not interested in any kind of relationship so it doesn't matter to me whether guys are into chests, buts, feet, hair, tall girls, short girls, or even more extreme things like poo or pee or whatever. As long as they find an adult partner who shares their 'thing' it doesn't matter what someone's preferences are.

    11. How well would you say you take care of your feet?

    They don't require much care. Many people seem to think that going barefoot makes your feet 'crusty' or rough, but while the skin is thick and tough, it's a leathery toughness and they're quite smooth, no cracks at all. I cut the nails of course & I scrub them daily with soap, water and a nail brush, but beyond that I don't do anything. I tried various kinds of moisturizing just as a general thing but it makes the top layer too soft, I get more tiny nicks and scratches when I use it, and as long as there are no cracks why should I?

    12. How do you feel about YOUR feet?

    I like them as they are, strong and tough! I'm not into soft and sweet, that's 'sweet' indeed but not very useful. I sometimes wish my toes were a bit longer so I could do more things with them. I can pick things up but not more than that, it'd be a nice trick if I could write, or cross my toes, etc... I mean people look at a barefooter anyhow, may as well give them something to look at not all the time but sometimes, just for fun. I have short toes and two on my left foot are even webbed up to the first joint. But it's not a major regret, they serve me very well.


  18. Compared to most of our fetishists, you're downright refreshing and normal.

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