
This is the 2nd night i have horrible dreams why is this?

by  |  earlier

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ok the night before last night i had a dream of jesus christ i couldnt see his face very good and i also dreamed of the face of death and me going to church... But last night i dont know maybe cause i was thinking about my dreams from the night before i had this weird dream but i dreamed of me taking a picture and putting a black or yellow ribbon what does this means?

then the 2nd dream was based on christ again but not him only his crosses what does this means is it cause i was thinking about my dreams from the night before or what please someone help me please?

oh yeah and for some reasson i think i have jesus this time for real giving me his hand but i dont know if this was a dream or a thought cause i been so scare over the whole thing all i know is that im paranoid that i think i might die thats the only thing that crosses my mind i dont think that noone in life had dreamed of jesus 2 nights in a role.=(




  1. It's okay your not going to die. I wish had dreams like you better then what i use dream about. Do u question your faith so much ? It has to do with your faith. See it as a good thing don't be scared. Especial the hand thing thats awesome. I never got the hand so im going to h**l.

  2. The picture is clear. You have turned totally devotional. You are a dedicated child of Lord Jesus Christ. And, you want to follow him like no one else has done before.

    That does not, however, mean that you are going to die. You are prepared to die, but your death would arrive only when He (to be precise, Jesus) orders death for you. It is not in the near future.

    You can propagate the name of your Lord to the universe and carry on living and don't mind when death would take you over. I am of the opinion that you have become a child dearer to Lord Jesus Christ!

  3. I think that God is trying to tell you something. At first I thought it could have been a demonic dream but now I think that God himself is giving you those dreams for a particular reason. I can only suggest that you submit to God and accept him as your lord and saviour. You do this by praying asking Jesus Christ to forgive you for all the sins you have committed and ask him to come into your heart and be your lord and saviour. Remember God loves you and cares for you so accept him while you can.

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