
This is the Last One.. Am I Preggy?

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Ok. Ok. I am really annoying. But i just can't help asking questions. Here's the real deal:

I am only 19 years old and not ready to be a mother. My menstrual cycle varies from 28, 29, 30 or even 35 days. I usually have brownish discharges 2 weeks or 1 week prior to my period. My boyfriend and i had s*x on the 22nd and 23rd day of August this year. I had my last menstruation on July 8, 2008.

However, this month, i am having brownish discharges. 2 days ago i had light brown discharges. And today, i am having Very dark brown discharges and could only fill about 1/3 of a panty liner. Along with this, i have the usual feeling of being bloated around the abdominal area.

After reading tons and TONS of entries about implantation bleeding, i am having doubts that i might be having one! My period is due in a week and my anxiety level is rising! Please please please help!!!




  1. Just take a test thats the only way!

  2. Based on your answers, you're likely to be most fertile from July 20, 2008 to July 25, 2008

    Here are the days you're most likely to be fertile over the next five months

    Fertile daysResulting due date

    August 18, 2008 - August 23, 2008

    September 16, 2008 - September 21, 2008

    October 15, 2008 - October 20, 2008

    November 13, 2008 - November 18, 2008

    December 12, 2008 - December 17, 2008

    January 10, 2009 - January 15, 2009


  3. It seems that you missed your most fertile days but everytime you have s*x there is a chance that it will result in a pregnancy.  If you are not ready to be a mother you should definitely practice safe s*x.  It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to go to a family planning clinic for some advice on the contraception that would be best suited to your life style.  I would say that this bleeding that you have had is not implantation bleeding but remember it is not normal to have breakthrough bleeding before a period like you have so I would advise that you discuss this with a doctor.  You may have a slight hormone imbalance that will need to be sorted.  I can assure you when you do decide to try for a family of your own you will be greatfull you sorted it now!!!!

  4. try finding a free clinic somewhere if you're not comfortable going to your primary care physician or obgyn..someone who can test you.  if your body's acting up, you should check things out regardless of the embarrassment.  down the road you'll be glad you did.  you don't have to tell anyone you went.  

  5. Ok, implantation bleeding is the exception and is not the norm, and IF it happens, it only happens to a small percentage of women - not TONS of women.

    In fact until very recently not many people outside the profession had ever heard of it.  I blame the internet.

    **IF** it happens it is only a few drops of blood mixed with mucus and other normal vaginal discharge - a dirty brown or pinkish colour.   Implantation bleeding is NOT "bleeding".  It is nothing like a period and is a one off event - it doesn't go on for days.

    If your last period was on July 8 and your usual cycles are 28-35 days then my dear you are VERY overdue - are you sure about those dates?

    If you are not ready to be a mother as you say then for goodness sake get yourself to a doctor and get some reliable contraceptive strategy in place so you don't have all this anxiety.

    The only way you'll be able to tell if you're pregnant is to take a test.

    Trying to self diagnose by exammining your body for all sorts of symptoms is very unreliable and a ewaste of time .


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