
This is the first election that I have ever know anything about the Dem candidate. Have the Republicans?

by Guest60220  |  earlier

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always lied so much about the Democrat candidate. I am shocked.

I always though the Republicans told the truth because we were Christians. But the Republicans truly have a complete campaign of lying about the Democrat candidate, and no there is no t*t for tat from the Democrats. They just boringly tell the truth.




  1. Lol, you're joking right? Next thing you'll start voting on the issues!

  2. pretty much always like that.

  3. I was at a bar tonight watching the speech and it was all cheers and support for Palin.

    You'll have to give some examples of the lies that you perceive.

    If you think the dems tell the truth you've drank the kool-aid.

  4. I'm fairly certain Palin alienated a huge number of independents/swing voters tonight.


  5. You are totally

  6. You'll have to elaborate on what you interpreted as a lie. Because everything that was said tonight about Obama was true.  

  7. I saw Sarah's performance and was not impressed an inch. She praised Mccain and gave a generic stump speech and attacked the Democrats and pretty much lied about Barack's economic policies. Sarah also seemed a lttle pissed and jealous over our convention and the colums. That is really irrelevant but she had very little of substance to talk about.The only thing i got from Sarah is that she and Mccain are out of touch and are on the wrong side of the issues and I could not be any more elated and confident that Obama and Biden are the right choice. I also believe Palin message may have resonated with the republican base but was ineffective in rallying the independent voters, who's support is critical.

  8. They did tell the truth, Obama is the one always lying...

  9. I think what we're seeing, is that this election is about oil. McCain being for it, Obama being against it. That fits the description of how the two candidates stand on the war as well. And I don't think oil and the Iraq war are unrelated, do you??

    McCain/Palin are taking the fight to oil resources (Iraq, Russia),

    Obama/Biden are taking on Al Qaeda via Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Diplomatic, multi nation pressure on Iran.

    here's some solid evidence, the Democrats vs Big oil. it's the closest to real information that you're going to find, because it's direct from the horse's mouth, under oath, and both sides contend the other is dishonest. it's up to you to determine which side you believe. but it's hard to ignore motive, when it's coming out of Sarah Palin's mouth.

  10. Well I think I remember you saying you were about 40-50 years old or more in another answer. I don't believe a thing you are saying if you have not known about a democrat candidate. Is this sarcasm or a joke?  I agree that the democrats are being very hypocritical in this election!  And I agree the truth is being told by republicans in this election.  McCain-Palin rules and will win!  

  11. Here is something that I just "opened my eyes to" this year.

    The Republican politicians have "figured out" that the so-called conservative Christians will rally around whoever says they are pro-life and pro-marriage (1 man to 1 woman), and anti-g*y.

    It doesn't matter what the Republican's stand for aside from that.  

    In most cases the Republican politicians are backed by big corporations (CEO/CFO's with tons of money)  for example: Oil & Gas companies, Pharma companies, etc.

    It doesn't mean that the Republican politicians are Christian, all they have to do is "say they are" and say the magic words ... "Pro-life", "anti-abortion", "1-man, 1-woman" and they have all of the conservative base eating out of their hands.  This is tried and true.

    I was one of these BLIND conservative followers until I finally opened my ears to other opinions and some reasoning.

    You will hear the worst possible language, and criticisms, and hateful speech coming from the Republicans than you will from any other party.

    Trust me.

    I'm a Democrat now (who thinks with an Independent mind).

  12. Yeah, like when Obama claims McCain wants war in Iraq to last 100 years.

    Just boringly telling the truth.

  13. Grow up, we know baiting when we see it.  

  14. Absolutely right.

  15. The Republicans state the facts and the spineless Democrats can handle that. It's just another election year where the Democrats had their hopes too high and are being shot down early. It's that idiot Obama and his dumb choice for VP that sealed his fate. As if him being a whimpering coward with no business in politics wasn't enough to knock him out, it took his hard headed moronic choice for VP that did him and his sorry little party out of the race. All I have to say is "Way to go Moron!"

    Gore thought he had it...not.

    Kerry thought he had it....not.

    Obama thought he had it..........definately not! HA HA!

  16. What specifically are you referring too? Go to, both parties lie, stretch the truth, distort, spin, etc.

    Democrat = Buicks for everyone! Tax the productive and reward the incompetent.

  17. You mean that  when they say Obama has never written any legislation and voted present 166 times its a lie.

    I'm shocked

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