
This is the most complicated question ever please help?

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okey the most complicated question is here no one as resolved it ever the nasa how can a humain been can't go on lightspeed four a couple of years and the answers most be posible...




  1. Okay...I am not NASA, nor am I a rocket scientist, but

    since you asked the question it is obvious that you are

    curious but lack some fundamental information... I will

    try and help you.

    The fastest manmade object, device, or system that has

    been shot into space has flown at speeds of around

    50,000 Miles Per Hour using every available gimic such

    as getting speed boosts by looping around other space

    objects. Note the increment of speed being used here...

    Miles Per Hour.

    Light travels at 186,000 Miles PER  SECOND.  That is a

    huge difference in units of speed... one unit is PER HOUR,

    and the other unit is PER SECOND.

    If you want to place them into the same category of unit measurement, you would multiply 186,000 times 60 to get

    Miles Per Minute, and again by 60 to get MILES Per Hour.

    That math works out like this:

    186,000 Mps x 3,600 Sec to Hour = 669,600,000 Miles Per

    Hour = Speed of Light in Miles Per Hour.

    Now let your eyes wander over these two numbers:

    50,000            Miles Per Hour  (Fastest Manmade Object)

    669,600,000  Miles Per Hour  (Speed of Light)

    The bigger number is 13,392 times bigger than the smaller

    number. So there is a gigantic leap in technology that must

    be achieved to even come close to the speed of light.

    Next is the situation of "G Forces" which one encounters

    when accelerating an object from a standing start to some

    particular speed. In the case of our present rockets, human

    passengers are launched from zero Mph and accelerated to about 25,000 Miles Per Hour Escape Velocity using three stages of rocket thrust. In that acceleration the Astronauts endure monstrous amounts of stress from the G Forces.

    Possibly you recall pics of space pilots with their faces bulging out and their skin stretched way back around their

    faces... Hmm-m...That amount of force was only to reach

    Escape Velocity...

    Accelerating humans to a speed 13,000 times that fast would

    most likely leave a small smear on the inside of the cockpit where the juman used to be. They could not begin to withstand the force. Plus, one canot fly at light speed for ever... It might be nice to stop somewhere once and a while.

    If you were to try and stop, those same forces would be experienced all over again, but in the reverse maner this time.

    We don't have any fuel or propellant what will accelerate anything to speeds close to the speed of light. It is not

    something that is close to being developed for human

    space flight .



  2. We are made of matter.  Matter can't go the speed of light.  That only way you are going to go the speed of light is if you get converted to energy at your source and converted back into matter at your destination.  We don't have that technology yet.

  3. be clear

  4. I cant understand a word you wrote? Please have someone educated ask this question for you?

  5. English please???

  6. Before you tackle the possibilities of Einstein's theories, and complicated mathematical computations you need to leanr how to spell simple words that are taught in the first grade of elementary education.

  7. I would like to answer your question.But, I really have no idea what you are asking.

  8. Hi, A.m.  

    I'd like to answer your question because it sounds like it might be interesting.  I can't understand it, though.  If you have an English speaking friend, he or she might be able to write it for you.

  9. i think you just asked why people cant travel at the speed of light. its because whenever you accelerate you gain mass, you get heavier. if you were to travel at the speed of light you would have an infinite mass, which is impossible.

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