
This is the saddist most saddistic thing that shows humanity at its lowest?

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I watch this entire thing and nobody sane would ever want war again.

I am so sorry, but if people want to stop evil they must know their enemy. Unfortunately the enemy is human and no human must posess the power to kill.

NO MORE WAR NO MORE POLITICS, help the downtrodden and vote out the people who prescribe torture and death.

NEW WORLD ORDER - LIfe liberty and the concept of happiness for all.

I am again so sorry for those who must see evil to acknowledge good.




  1. Wow, if you managed to watch that whole thing, I must give you credit.  I have watched A LOT of gory horror movies and I never get affect.  Maybe because that video is real it seems SO much worse.

    Hey, I am all for stopping war.  The problem with voting out the people who prescribe to torture and death is that we don't live in their country.  I know that we don't because you can't vote people out of office in those countries.  If you can find a way to eliminate all the bad people and just leave the people who want to work for a better world.  Let me know.  I will be behind you 100%.  I guess the problem is that the people who start wars are usually trying to elimiate the people who they think are bad and trying to leave just the good people behind.

    That video is seriously sick.  Maybe it should be shown to people who are captured in war.  Then, they should be told that their time will be coming up.  I think that I would kill myself rather then go through that.

  2. You live in a dream world.

    Yes, war is bad and nukes are bad.  But if you think you can ever rid the world of either one, you are deluded.

  3. That is not an example of war. That is an example of a bunch of cowardly buffoons executing defenesless people with dull knives. I have a sneaking suspicion the ones being murdered would do the same to the murderers if given the chance even before this.

    Now if the peeps being killed were rousted from their bed in the middle of the night, tied up, then brought to that location for execution then, in my mind, it would put a different perspective on this sad display.

    If they were child molesters and/or child killers, I would help with a dull knife.

    So I'm not going to say I could never do that to my fellow human beings. It's sad however that people that deserve that rarely get it and the people who are treated in that horrible way rarely deserve it.

  4. What you witnessed on that video were Salafist Jihadists in Chechnya, torturing and beheading soldiers of the Russian Federation. That is the sort of "war" which the Jihadists wage. And bringing them to some Kumbaya table to negotiate an end to their torture and despicable acts of cruelty will only result in one thing: Those who invited them will be on the next video being tortured and decapitated while still alive.

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