
This is the scariest thing I've ever been through; was it a sign/vision?

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I have asked this question before, but I'm really desperate for answers.

Please don't rant about how crazy I am, and I must warn you this is long and very detailed. This all happened in a matter of about 10-20 minutes, and my eyes were closed. I WAS COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS. I was talking to one of my friends in person. I heard my TV going in the background and everything. I know I wasn't dreaming; tears were streaming down my face and I was still talking when I opened my eyes and my friend was still there. I was awake, trust me.

So this is how it starts;

I see a very low fence like thing that had a big stone and tall grass behind it. It was on a hill or valley; it goes dip, hill, then another dip. About five steps in front of the fence is a house with a tan border and a tan-brown like roof, and the house was white. In the far-dip valley like thing is another house; it's grayish white and two little girls were playing on the left side of it (right side from my view). The house on the hill had a shotgun laying in the grass, and I later realized the 'fence' was actually like a poorly built track for horses or something, and had two brown horses in it. There was also a man. He was a tall, African man who was very muscularly built. He had on a light brown jumper like thing, and a orange cut-off sleeved shirt. The whole time he wouldn't turn around. At first I got a very mysterious vibe about him. As my view changed, I now saw the front of the house. It had a small window in the front and a gray door on the left side. For some reason, I felt like the year was either 1889 or 1918. But anyway, as I turn vision I see the man; he has a very broad jaw-line and a long, rounded nose. First I thought he was related to me because of the nose, but his was alot longer. His eyebrows were wrinkled up like he was thinking of something or frustrated. As I saw him more, I felt really scared or confused, frustrated, mad, upset and sad..

There was something wrong.

The more he stared at me, the more I got scared. I started crying, saying that he didn't want me there (I was talking to my friend while I was crying and describing everything, and literally said "He doesn't want me here, I think I did something to him") Then I see the two little girls. The first one was wearing a blue dress with a white bow that tied in the back. For some reason I think she was about seven. Then it was a small red-head girl in a yellow dress and she was either four or five. They both gave me the same stare the man did, but their's wasn't as harsh. They looked more afraid. I felt helpless, like I didn't know what to do to make them happy or something. But the man stayed in the track thing for a while, just plowing the grass or raking something? It was a really pretty landscape. I turn around and see all the trees in the back. It was a really dark area and I remember thinking "Something's happened there.." The man starts looking to the other side, and I see a church. It felt really sad and depressing, so immediately I thought a funeral. Then I said it was a funeral for a female. I turn my attention back to him and it felt like I was saying "Why aren't you there?!" The man throws his tool down and goes inside. The inside of the house is really basic, nothing special or peculiar about it. He starts pacing in a hallway and I sit there and watch him. It was like I was asking him what I was supposed to do and he tells me "I want you to leave me alone, woman!" For some reason, I have a strong feeling the woman's name was Anna Mae.I wasn't Jasmine, the person I am now. And this Anna Mae woman was extremely tough. She wasn't afraid of hurting this man and in some sick way she got a thrill from making him mad. She was frightened by him but didn't want it to show. I (Jasmine) started crying as soon as I saw him. There's something really scary about him. I (Anna Mae) kept saying he was a real malicious, clever person. Like he was really manipulative and evil. I feel like his name was Lucifer, or Leon. But it reaaally feels like Lucifer. As the day got darker "Anna Mae" became more scared. As her, I felt like he was going to hurt me, or do something to me. I then felt something really attention turned to the shotgun and I started to cry hysterically and kind of hypervinalate. My friend freaked out and asked me was I okay. I burst out "HE KILLED MY SISTER." I don't have a sister in real life, but as Anna Mae, my sister's name was Christine, and Lucifer killed her. I (Anna Mae) kept saying he either loved her or loved me. But he loved one of us yet he was trying to hurt us, and push us away. I wouldn't leave him though. I stayed there and waited until dark. I knew something was going to happen, but I was too stubborn or naive to leave. So finally he stops pacing. He runs to the front, says "I told you to leave, me, ALONE" and shoots me. I die, and I open my eyes..

I couldn't make this up if I tried.

What I felt was unbelieveable. It felt like I really was living her life, and she wasn't happy. Lucifer scared me (as Jasmine) and I didn't like him at all. He was a really evil person and I could feel it. I've never had anything like this happen to me before, but last night was the first time I felt something like a male voice whisper in my ear too. I hope this isn't something that was passed down, because my great grandma had certain dreams when people were pregnant or dying, and was always right. It was passed down to my grandma, then my mom and aunt. I don't have dreams like that, but I've always been very intuitive. For some reason I always get my grandparents or great grandparents' genes stronger than the rest of my immediate family; my great grandfather was 6'4'', and I inherited his height, although the rest of my family is fairly short. I'm also thirteen. I know that's side information, but if it helps.

Do you think this was a vision?

How would you explain this to someone?

I'm so scared it's going to happen again, and I don't like it at all.

Thanks in advance.

Sorry it was so long, but like I said, it was detailed.




  1. That must have been terrifying to go through. I think that it's entirely possible you had a vision. If it really scared you so badly that you don't ever want to go through it or anything like it again, I'm sorry to say that  although I do not in any way think you need mental help as you seem very smart and well read, talking to your parents or grandparents, possibly even a psychiatrist (just to get to the root or deeper meaning of the vision that your family possibly will not be able to) would be good for you. I don't think that this is something you can deal with on your own and I'm quite sure that you will feel better if you talk this out with someone you know and trust first to get it off your chest. If you are still worried about something like this happening again after you talk to a loved one, then it may be time to seek professional analysis of this vision.

  2. i believe it was a vision. maybe it was your great great grandparents or some kind of relatives that you were seeing. you did say things were passed down to you, so maybe you were seeing something in your past. ask your parents, grandparents, or any relatives if something like this happened. or if it wasn't from your family, try looking up the name anna mae with the date 1889 or 1918 & see if anything comes up. hope i helped ( :

  3. I read all of that:P thats very interesting. I dont know what it was. I've heard of dreams when your awake caused by lack of sleep.. thats where the term "day dream" comes from...... But if it were a vision it would be the furute and you said 1889.. This story scares me  

  4. some peole believe that we have ancestoral memories just as we have inherited genes.  This goes beyond human instincts for survival, for a baby to grasp a finger or know it knows to walk from birth or suckle.  Some people believe in visions and the gifts of second sight, the gift of spiritual discernment for Christians by the Holy Spirit, or translating visions and dreams similarly.  Some believe that we are reincarnated and sometimes can enter a sort of hypnotic state and bring back old memories of past lives.  But personally I believe the mind is a very powerful tool and while I'm open to the possibility of many spiritual manifestations, I'm really skeptical unless I know someone very well and trust their judgement.  For every repressed memory of a past life I hear, I think: who knows if they didn't see parts of that on a TV show or passing by ina car, or something when they were too young to understand or properly realise it, so it sat as a latent memory until something triggered it and then because we can't explain, the unexplanable becomes mystified and mysterious to us.  

    All that aside, I still think it's dangerous to dabble in the unknown too much - it's like throwing out a fishing line and who knows what you'll catch.  Whether purely psychological, or somehow spiritual, I wouldn't go looking for these things.

  5. huh.

    maybe it was a 'vision' from a past life??

    i dont really know if i believe in anything like that - but its definitely interesting!

  6. wow i am almost 13 and would be terrified! talk to your parents about it and tell them to really take you seriously.... also lucifer was the devils real name if you think that may have something to do with it? well i hope this gets easier for you!


  7. woah, that's incredible!

    i know you felt that it was a horrible experience but its really impressive how you could recall everything. was your friend scared after that whole thing happened and she was just sitting there? i would be soo scared.

    you're only 13 and you're handling all of this, good on you.

    um, i think that it was obviously a vision!!!!! you were meant to see it, or maybe you werent but i'm sure one day you will figure out what its all about. i say you do a lot of detective work- i know it must scare you so much but try to treat it as an adventure, because you have a gift and for some reason you're probably supposed to help figure this out!.

    if you feel like everything you saw hasn't been put to rest yet (and it was soo long ago!) just make sure you remmebr everything you saw, so you can try to help put a puzzle together.

    try to google everything you saw!! maybe there is some unsloved mystery that everyone has forgotton about!

    and i completely believe you- you would have to be a prettttyyy talented writer to describe such things in detail, and describe their feeling and emotions.

    if its nightime and you're completely scared someone will talk to you in your ear or something, just sort of whisper any nice messages or things to make yourself comfortable, like ''i dont know why you are bothering me, just please dont scare me and ill listen to you" or just anything that will make you feel secure.

    good luck,


    and ps i know you dont like it at all, but a countless amount of people would want to have a story like yours- whether you consider it a gift or a curse yourself.

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