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Kids are having s*x at younger and younger ages now. Do you think we should stop them or give them protection?




  1. First of all you should explain to your kid (i'm only assuming) the consequences of pre-marital s*x.  If your a christian try to explain that God's does not approve pre-marital s*x.  Anyway, if you really can not stop them maybe you should teach them the proper use of contraceptives.  Specially the use of condoms because you can't be sure that their partners are not infected by aids.

    Good luck!

  2. Parents who are involved with their kids tend to have kids who make better decisions about s*x. So the first step is parents taking a more active role in their kids lives. This means the parents should know where their kids are, who they are with and what they are doing... all the time. This includes knowing what they are watching on tv and what they are looking at on the Internet.  Kids should also be educated about s*x so that if they do decide to go for it, they'll make better decisions. Schools are often limited in what they can actually teach kids about s*x, so parents need to take an active role in this as well, talking to their kids in no uncertain terms what the results of s*x can be. The best protection is education and involved parents.  

  3. I don't think you can stop them all you can do is bring your kid up the best you can and educated them so they can make an informed decision and hopefully use protection.

  4. Give them protection. Considering you can't stop them. They will do what they want, despite what they've heard and learned about pre-martial s*x. I'm 15 myself and my parents and community is very conservative but all of my friends and I are not virgins. Actually, I can't think of anyone that is at least somewhat attractive I know that hasn't lost their virginity yet. Though my parents aren't open and accepting about me having s*x (they don't know) but I wish they would just be like " Hey if you're having s*x, here are some condoms." or get me on the pill or something. Just to show that they care about my health rather then their " Don't even want to know" way of dealing with subject like this.

    The times, they are changing.

  5. there is no way that you can stop kids from having s*x. if you try they are just going to rebel and do it neways

    its better to sit them down and talk about safe s*x with them and give them some protection

    but i do agree that the ages are getting younger and younger each year. and most of them are getting pregnant before their even teenagers. its so sad to seem them having kids while theyre still kids

  6. I hate to answer a question with a question - but how do you propose we stop them? All we can do is arm them with accurrate information, good morals and values, and good self esteem and hope they make good decisions.  They should feel that they can ask for or access protection without judgement if they need it.  

    You have to be careful making protection readily available that you aren't giving the message that its ok to have s*x at 13, 14, 15... but at the same time you want them to access it if they make the decision to have s*x.  It's all about balance I guess.

  7. I really think we should stop them... i don't think its right!!!... when i go and pick up my nephew from school ( elementary, he is in k)... i see all this lil kids with cell phones and lil girls with purses instead of barbie back pack... i think kids are growing up too fast now n days...

  8. I do not support s*x before marriage.  It is wrong.

    So I support educating our youth rather than giving them protection. Handing out condoms just says "go ahead, but be careful."

    This problem however, cannot be resolved with this simple issue.  Until our children stop watching TV, and stop trying to live like the very BAD role models on TV, nothing parents say or do will even matter.

    Also, if kids are kept busy with real life situations, opportunities, and family, they are less likely in situations where pre-marital s*x is available or even easily accesible.

    You can call it conservative, you can call it sheltered, I don't care.

  9. stop them if they cant be stoped give them protection

  10. The best thing you can do is bring them up well educated about the subject, be honest and open with them and answer any questions they have about it - the more they know about it the less curious they will be about it and wont have as much of an urge to go out there and do it.

    There is no way of stopping them from having s*x, unless you keep them locked in their bedrooms forever which isnt a realistic or very fair option but we can make sure that our kids understand the consequences and risks of having unprotected s*x and encourage them to have a mature attitude about it. Then hopefully if they do decide to do it they will take our advice and use the necessary precautions.

  11. Firstly: their not

    Secondly: how would you proceed to do that


  12. Both.  Kids are going to do things that we don't want them to and you can't always stop it.  We also need to educate them and stop making s*x so taboo.  Some parents never talk to their kids about thinking it will "give them ideas" but kids talk about it and are often incorrect in the ideas they have.  Hopefully education about s*x  will get better and children will realize all the bad that can come with it at a young age and stop.

  13. Both - you'll never stop them all, so why not give those who do protection.  

  14. protection you cant stop them so sit them down and have a safe s*x talk to them to let them know that there is protection out there but it want protect them from all the disease that are out there and then maybe after they learn abouot the diseases they my wait who knows

  15. You should give them protection. No matter how much you TRY to stop them from having s*x, they still are going to have s*x. There's nothing you can do to stop it, so might as well protect it.

  16. Theres no way to stop them. But s*x is everywhere. s*x is in movies,adverts,radio,tv. U cant escape it. So its only natural for them to wonder and try it.

  17. Personally - I have a 10 year old daughter and she has always been able to tell me about her day and what all has happened, anytime there is a mention of anything being said about s*x I will let her tell me all about it and ask her what she thinks, I have raised my daughter in a way that she has respect for herself - she is curious about it cause everyone makes a big deal out of it but listening to their thoughts about it and being open enough with them to allow them to be honest with you is key knowing how your child feels about something of that extreme will help you understand their mental abilities so that you may be helpful to in-site about making the right choices - use their input and ability to understand the subject as a guide to best direct them to make the right choice as well. If you don't have that relationship with your child then you should figure out why and quickly gain it with them - you children will listen to you when you talk to them about things and they will hear in your voice if you are truly listening to them tell there side it could be a peer pressure thing and if that be the case then they are needing your wisdom to guide their immature mindful thoughts correctly.

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