
This is the wierdest election issue in American History?

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Have you heard about this?

A guy named Berg, who is a DEMOCRAT is trying to get a court injunction stopping Obama's campaign on account of him not really being a native born citizen.

Yes, I know it sounds loony. But if it's so stupid.. why are the courts still deliberating on it. Those lawyers ain't cheap. And I reckon Judges hate frivolous lawsuits esp. B.S. political ones. So why haven't it been dismissed?

and if Obama is disqualified. W.T.F? Do the Democrats run Biden, or do they have to have another convention?

This could be the most epic political fiasco in American History. All the time and money spent to nominate a candidate and then he isn't eligible.




  1. Yea.. Heard about it about a week before the election... what I don't understand is why it's taking so long to resolve the suit.. It would seem to me to be a simple matter... One way or the other.... I just intuitvely feel that there is no plus for the man filing the suit to drag it out... on the other hand there is possibly a big advantage for the Obama camp to draw this thing on for years...

  2. I have heard people say that BOTH McCain and Obama have issues where this subject is concerned.  WOuldnt it be something if they were BOTH disqualified.

    ADD:  btw.........I am not saying they do one way or the other.  I just thought it would make an interesting twist.

  3. I thought he was trying to pre-empt the wacko nutjobs on the right who were planning to file suit in all the states and muck up the election.

    If either Obama, born in Hawaii, or McCain, born in the Canal Zone, were ineligible, I am confident that it would have come out already.  Surely the Hillary folks would have used this on Obama before the primary season was done, and Huckabee or Romney would have don the same with McCain.

  4. There is some question about his place of birth. The copy of his birth certificate posted on his doesn't appear to be a valid copy. Since nobody has seen it first hand, the issue remains.

  5. Obama's I think may still be possible, but in McCain's case, since his father was military and stationed in the American Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was a U.S. territory, plus the fact that he was born on a military post makes him eligible.

    Yes, the U.S. political system sucks but it is still the best in the world, as far as I'm concerned. If some of the c**p that has been spouted on this site were in other countries, the cops would be at your door and you'd be in prison for a long time. At least we have some degree of freedom of speech in the U.S.

  6. that is what sucks about Law suites is they delay everything. So it could come to the point Obama gets elected, but then is found to be not able to be president. And you now we will hear how the republicans screwed the democrats again.  

  7. Your link doesn't work, but I have read about the lawsuit and it's points and it is interesting.  It would be hilarious if he was declared ineligible.

  8. The guy is a lawyer, has no evidence to back his allegations, will have to go through discovery then it'll be tossed.

  9. The guy has money and is a nutty Hillary supporter (no offense to sane Hillary supporters who are voting for Obama). He also believes that 9/11 was an inside job.

    It takes time for stuff to go through the courts, even nutty stuff isn't immediately dismissed. For example, it took quite a while for the charge from Larry Sinclair to come up empty and then for courts to realize Larry had an arrest warrant.

    In other words, give it time, it will be thrown out. Obama wouldn't have gotten this far if he wasn't a US citizen. And others had brought experts and proved that his birth certificate is genuine, plus there was even an announcement in a local Hawaiian circular about Obama's birth.

    Anyway, there is no chance that Obama was born outside the US.

  10. This is just silly. If one of his parents is a US citizen or if he is born in the US to non US parents he is a citizen. Since his mother is American it does not matter where he is born or the citizenship of his father.

  11. It's not loony, too bad the man doesn't have a chance in h**l at succeeding even though he's right.

    Apparently not all democrats hate America and want to see her destroyed at the hands of illegal immigrants, good to know.

  12. I have heard stuff before but usually in a malicious manner.

    Cookie Monster brings up an interesting point.  It would be awesome if we had to start from scratch this late in the game.  I would love to see Hillary back in the game.

  13. The link is not available. Do you have another?


    There are many question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  15. This all started when an Obama staffer forged a Hawaiian birth certificate, instead of waiting for City Hall to give him a copy of the original.

    We all know about waiting in line at DMV or any Gov. office Obama's staffer just couldn't wait.

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