
This is the worst pain i've ever felt.?

by  |  earlier

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i cant get over my ex girlfriend, we werent together that long but she was the greatist thing i was ever with. Her personality was like any other i've ever encountered in a woman and we clicked so perfectly.

But of course as always i had to s***w things up and we winded up splitting up. I cant get over the pain though i hurt her so bad, and i feel terrible of it, i know she will never forgive me but for some reason i love her so much i would literally die for her and take my own life. I cant move on i cant live anymore, i wished this pain was never experienced because i dont know if i will ever love someone ever again like i did her. Somebody help.




  1. Looking from a therapist's view, first I need to know some details like what's your age, occupation etc, and how long and how intimate you were with her. If you don't want to give away those details, here is my general answer -

    What you are going through is what so many people have to experience. You say you hurt her and now realize can't live without her. Well, you need to understand that life is never limited to one relationship; by this I don't mean you should forget her. DON'T EVEN TRY TO FORGET HER. Look for a solution. For your case I can advise try to get her to talk about it. Tell her you accept the mistake you did, apologize to her and ask for a second chance. Remember - don't try to rehearse some dialogs and be your natural self. If your love is true enough, she will understand and give you a second chance. If she is adamant on break-up, it means she doesn't care much and forget the event as just a part of life.

    I strongly believe you will manage to regain your relationship back to good times.

  2. I was the same way, when i lost my first true love, and to be honest I still wasn't doing well, even years down the road.  It would not hurt as bad, but it would still feel horrible, then I met someone who completely changed me, who took the time to listen to my troubles and comfort me, she has shown me how live and love again, believe me it will take time to get over the hurting pain every second, and I know this sure as h**l wont help but for me the pain was never truly over till someone came into my life that changed it all that truly cared. Take care, and dont do anything rash, believe me its not the way to go, friends, family, turn to them right now they will always be there for you...

  3. I guess all I can say is it will get better. Time is the best healer possible and it may seem impossible now, keep pushing through. If this relationship was meant to be, she'll be back and you can work things out - but in the mean time, grow as a man from the mistake you've made in this relationship and try to thrive off of it. Because if not with her, you'll be a better man with someone else and have an even better relationship. There are plenty of beautiful and intelligent women out there in the world. Don't shut yourself out of it. Definitely take your time to cry and be sad over this relationship, but don't let it dominate your life. I hope you feel better!

  4. dude...i've been there almost threw my self over the us bank tower in los angeles just turn to some you care for besides her...ask a very close friend to help you all you need is to tell that person what happened and how you feel....dude i'm still a little depressed from mine so it won't go away but it will ease up

  5. See a therapist.

  6. try to get her back by saying your srory and you lover vary vary much and you never whanted to lose her and if it dont wroke you will have closer

  7. Did you break it off or did she? Why did it end?

    Maybe you should start out my apologizing to her for all that you did wrong in the relationship. Maybe write her a letter.

    Do you want to get back together with her?

    I will tell you this, you will get over it. The world does keep going, even after a breakup. Try to get out with friends or take up a hobby.

    Please don't think about committing suicide because of a breakup. It's a permanent for a temporary problem.

    Hang in there!

  8. What on earth did you do?

    I feel for you i really do. It will get better in time that i can promise you. I cant say that you will get back together with your girl but the pain does ease. I was just wondering have you tried talking to her? If you have and she hasn't listened or let you explain your actions then why don't you try writing her a letter, (girls being girls and i know cos i ma one) she will read it we are curious people. Write her a letter and try to explain why you did what you did, tell her how much you care/love her be honest with her.

    What ever you do say it has to come from the heart, don't say what you think she wants to hear but what she should hear.

    Hope this helps

    Good luck.


  9. I've gone through what you're going through and completely understand. First and most important of all, please don't harm yourself. It's not worth risking your life. I know it hurts so badly but it won't make things better if you harm yourself. Think of all the people that care about you that will be so devastated that you're not in their life anymore...even your ex.

    Have you tried talking to her? Did you ask her if she would forgive you for what you did? See what she says and if she can find in it her heart to forgive you and to start fresh together.

    I wish you all the best! Be safe.

  10. if u love her that much u wouldnt do what u did to her that caused lost her, so i think ur love isnt that big.

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