
This is to early for me! and the family!

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As some of you may know, I had my baby girl, Blaire on August 27th, she was a premmie and stayed in the hospital for 8 days. So she is now back home. And for how long she has been home its been hard for sleep! It is very hard to put her to sleep and it is usally 11 or 12 before she stops crying and falls asleep and then it is usually 4 or 5 when she wakes up! So she is not getting enough sleep and neither is the rest of the family! Is there anybody who has any suggestions on how to get her to sleep better? Please I will try anything!!!




  1. She's sleeping way longer than my daughter did at that age.  At first, she was up every hour and a half.  Then, it was every 2 hours for a long time.  I think you just have to give her time.  She will begin to sleep longer stretched eventually.  My daughter began to sleep through the night at about 4 1/2 months.

  2. I wonder if you meant July 27th?  Is she a newborn?

    In anycase, a stretch of 4-5 hours is excellent for  newborn!  She will sleep the majority of time but in short stints.  New parents do not get enough sleep, as well documented by the thousands of books, comments, blogs, etc on the internet.  

  3. Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding. i found that my son slept longer when i would feed him formula bc it fills them up better. so, if you want to try to formula feed, then try it and see how she does. just dont give it to her at bedtime the first few times incase shes allergic to it. but, it is normal for newborns to wake at all hours to eat.  

  4. That is what happens when you have babies.  Sorry.

  5. I had a preemie girl in march, and she is still not the best sleeper- the only way we could all sleep is by having her in our bed.  Even th co-sleeper was too far away for her- she needed to touch me to fall asleep and stay asleep.

    good luck!

  6. i had the same problem my daughter is 8 months old and still does this sometimes.

    You can rock her and sing to her and when she calms down give her a bottle and that usually does it..for me at least


    put her in her car seat on top of the dryer. the movement and the noise will soothe her..


    put her in the car seat and take her for a drive and when hse finally falls asleep bring her in but don't take her out untill you are sure she is fast asleep..

  7. Wow, you're back from the future. According to my calendar it's only August 8th!

  8. She is a newborn premie going to sleep at midnight and waking at 4? Do you have any idea how lucky you are? That is fantastic!

    Btw, I think you meant July 27th. Congrats on having her home.

  9. Try keeping her up as much as you can during the day, so she sleeps better at night.  Other than that I really don't have any ideas.  I have raised 3, and they all did the same thing for the first few weeks.  You can try sleeping in shifts, my husband and I had to do that with our daughter.  Sometimes I would have to take my babies outside to walk around so the rest of the family could sleep.  Good luck, it is only temporary.

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