
This is urgent! What things can I do to cheer me up?

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If you haven't seen my other question similar to this than here it is;_ylt=ApyENemtrilTJqWxCn8g1czsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819182549AAwr2wS

Well I shouldn't have to repeat why I am feeling horrible right now if you read it in that link I gave anyways here is the question: What things can I do to cheer me up? It is urgent, I cried like 2 times today and I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be worse. Any things I can do to keep my mind off of things and cheer me up, even if it only lasts an hour or so? I need urgent help!




  1. What I do?

    I sit somewhere when I can be alone for a while and just cry it out. Holding it in can bottle up too many feelings and be hard to hold up later. So what I do is sit alone, with a box of tissues and just cry. When I'm done, I always do feel better. Its just a release of the pain that you hold in.

    Then once your done, reward yourself, eat some ice cream, watch some of your favorite cartoons. Dance to your favorite song. Sing a long to a song you love and just have fun. Read a good book, or take a nap. Call a good friend and just talk about the old times and just relax.

    Just remember, that there is always hope for the future okay? There is always a better day to come. But anyways, I hope things get better for you, I'm here if you need to talk or vent!

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