
This is very creepy and 200% True. Please read all of this.?

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My sister has been living in her new house since April 2006. She lives with her husband and their 11 year old daughter in Pasadena, Texas.. The area her house was built used to be nothing but the woods. She began to see stuff about a year ago.

One of them was her sitting down on her bed eatting cereal watching tv, where she just felt the presence of a small kid running past her. Wasn't the only time.. That same week, the most scary stuff began.

She began to see a dark big figure would appear next to her bed, or in front of it and when she was home alone (when my niece would spend the night with my other niece and her husband left to work at 3am) she could hear foot steps upstairs, and on the stairs.

The creepiest part was that she was once out on her front porch smoking a cig. She saw a dark figure going up the stairs through the glass on her front door. But, this time it looked like a man wearing a jacket.




  1. You are really going to bork your self if you keep it up with that Ouija Board.

    Like the other answer said put it (Ouija Board) away keep it safe. Somebody might be able to dig you guys out of this using it.

    @scylentbob - Ed Warren passed over a few years back but they can still get help.

    Call your local paranormal investigators. NO MORE s******g AROUND WITH THE QUIJA BOARD! It if things really get out of hand you'll need lots of documentation. They'll make the formal recommendations.

    First it's all fun and games then, maybe is a little spooky, then the pot gets stirred and things get a lot tougher. Stop now while it is just a learning experience. This is not 'just' a spirit you are dealing with. Control your fears, ignore it and don't feed it. No lashing out at it either.

  2. there are paranormal investigator in your neck of the woods check the Internet ghost hunters (taps)/something you can do your self is a voice recorder and ask its name,why its here etc then play it back to here any response,get a video recorder and see if you can capture it on tape /or just a camera

  3. Okay, my first suggestion is to keep the Ouija Board.  Don't let anything happen to it.  You have already used it, so what's done is done.  I should tell you now, the Ouija is NOT a game.  It is a very dangerous tool, and you have used it to open a gateway of communication with the spirit world.  You have to be advised correctly by a paranormal investigator on how to close this gateway.  It can be opened further without your help or influence, allowing paranormal activity to increase greatly.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO DESTROY THE OUIJA BOARD.

    Now, on to your specific haunting situation.  This seems to be quite common when it comes to malevolent hauntings.  Most likely, this man has a connection to the boy in life and in death.  It is quite common for a malevolent spirit to live off the energy derived by controlling other spirits and haunting the living.  What you need to do is to contact a priest or other local leader of your particular faith.  You want them to come and investigate the house and the events.  From there, they can decide whether or not it qualifies for an exorcism.  Though this is only for extreme cases.  You would also want to contact a paranormal investigator to come to the home and investigate.  It is of utmost importance to resolve this immediately, this can turn into a very frightening haunting if you continue to let the home feed off your relatives negative emotions.  As a note on that, if your sister and her family have undergone any behavioral changes since moving into this home or first experiencing this haunting, it is getting bad.  And don't suggest they move out of the house.  Spirits prefer to haunt people rather than places, and will follow them if it so desires.

    In my personal opinion there is only one paranormal investigator qualified to deal with anything and everything: Ed and Lorraine Warren.  However, it may have to be an extreme haunting to bring it to their attention, as they are the most prolific paranormal investigators in history.  You will be able to find a paranormal investigator through the education network, as some universities will have a school of paranormal studies.

  4. nothing can be 200% true. 100% is the most something can be. so i dont believe you.

  5. wow. this is very creepy. i totally believe in paranormal activity and ghosts and she's lucky she got to experience it. it would kinda freak me out though. i'd probably move :)

  6. When I was very small.  Way back in the 60's.  My father and mother took us to an old house where some of their friends had just moved in.  We were in the upper floor, while they used a Weegi-board to contact the old spirits of this really old house.  Us kids were looking down through the heater grate at the adults at the kitchen table.  We saw the board fly out from under their hands.

    I asked my father why this happened, and he replied "The spirits were mad at the fact we couldn't spell."

    What I saw was really strange.  The adults argued over what the board tried to communicate, that was strong enough to fly a solid board right out from under them...and they quit trying.

  7. last time i chkd there has never been a confirmed death by any creepy anything!

    sounds more like a vivid imagination that is feeding on both of your insecurities, convincing you that it's reality. lay off the B movies and programs... there are no human vampires either (moonlighting). in any case i think you should be more  afraid of the next door neighbor or falling down than a goblin- people DO hurt people and falling kills more people than any other reason. (fear, fear, fear)

  8. Your sister should quit smoking.  It stinks, is really expensive, and bad for you.

  9. Hello,,whatever your smoking while you play with the devil,,will cause great stress in your family's life. But it is fun to flirt with the dead,,perhaps you should read the necronomicon and become spiritual leaders,,it'll blow you away,,like that smoke.

  10. I believe you.  The Ouija board can seem very animated, but I assure you it's just the ideomotor effect.  IT'S JUST A GAME, so disregard all of the superstitious Chicken Littles telling you it's a door to the "other side".

    As far as your neice goes, she's just been scared because she has witnessed what has happened to her mother and aunt.  You really shouldn't have allowed her to participate in the Ouija board thing without explaining to her exactly what it is.  Her fear is the manifestation of her misunderstanding.

    I don't know about the dark figure your sister keeps seeing because I'm not there.  Who knows what that could be.

  11. Read scylentb's post, it is spot on! But I highly doubt you will be able to get a priest to do an exorcism, those are only for the most extreme of cases. DO NOT burn or throw out the Ouija board until the "gateway" or whatever you opened is closed. Do not use the Ouija board anymore, it is evil. Spirits or whatever it is, manipulate and lie, you have no clue to what you were actually speaking to. Oh and there is no use moving, it can follow you if it pleases.

    Do yourself a favor, follow what scylentb wrote.

  12. But are you sure that the "person" you were talking to was in fact "Charles"?  The reason I am asking you that is because if this is a malevolent entity at the house, then it might tell you anything...especially lies.  I would not rely on what happened with the board for proof positive as evidence of a name.  In fact, I do not recoomend the use of a Ouija board at all for just that reason.

    What I would recommend for you and your sister to do is to make lots and lots of photos of the entire house.  You don't have to have a subject, just a lot of ramdom shots.  Next set out a voice recorder...a regular one will do, but if you happen to have one that is sound activated all the better.  You would not have to listen to a lot of dead air, only the sounds that it makes.  You might be surprised at what you hear.  Also, you can try video taping normal activity around the house and see what pops up.

    Another thing that is useful and might confirm or put to rest "charles" an investigation on the property.  Courthouse records, Historical documents old newspapers and older citizens of the area are good sources.  Ask around...see if there have been any events associated with the house or proerty that are unusual.

    If you feel that you are on to something after that, have your sister contract a group in your area that would be willing to come out and check out the property.  Most do not charge for investigations and can possibly settle the issue for your family in 1 visit.

    Good luck to you!


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