
This is very urgent please answer me ...please help!!!!!!!!!?

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my friend had married a guy with out the yes of her father so her father from that time didnt talk to her now she have 2 kids so until now he didnt even see them ....i really want to help her i tried to talk to her father but he still dont want to forgive her so please give a solution to let her father forgive her .i want a good thing which i will let her father forgive her i really need your help so please give me the solution.......please answer me....




  1. well there isnt anything that can make her father forgive her but you can help by just making your friend feel confortable and happy you want the best for her and escpicially her kids good luck i hope this helps!!!!

  2. is this about your friend...or you? Cause if this is about your friend, this is not your problem. And if it's about you...keep letting your father know you still want  a relationship with him...maybe send a card or leave a message on his phone every month or so, and if he's meant to come around, he will.  

  3. has ur frnd tried visiting her father accidentally with her kids?????

    i mean accidentally....

    u c grandparents just cant ignore their grand children no matter what their relation is or has been wid their parents....

    so i advise u to tell ur frnd to visit her father with her children....

    if the father sees his grand children he will just melt down....

    any further problems send a mail to wid the subject as problem.

  4. some things are just to hard to forget about sweety it'll take time

  5. Some people are very stone-hearted.  They never relent even at the most emotional or breaking moment.  As per my disposition, I would give up hope on his coming round to accept his own daughter because his ego is very stiff.  Such people choose to END themselves but can not BEND at all.  So it will be futile to expect her father to forgive her unless you create mock emotional circumstances where he may tend to melt down and loose his rein over his irreversible decision to not see her - like it occurs in a hindi movie. Just give it a try.  


  6. There is nothing you can do to make her father forgive her.

    I  understand you want to help, but her father has to make that choice to forgive and get to know his grandkids. She can continue reaching out to him, hopefully he'll come around soon, but until he does, there is not much more you can do

  7. Its between ur friend & her father. So u better not interfere into their life.

  8. u need a plan.firstly u tell ur freind to act as she is badly ill with a strange disease & life is no more to her this news is been carry forwarded to her father.hearing this obviously her father came & now u tell ur freind to leave her house for a week,& at her home u r there to tell her father that she has been admitted to whatever hospital far away from that site.after all parents r parents, i gurrantedly saying this will help u & her father will surely contact her. if this not work do something strange like my suggestion & if it works please tell me also

  9. helping ur friend this is grt..... try hard n u will succed

  10. i dont think there is anything u can do..

    its good that u want to help her out but its not possible unless u make impossible possible..

    why don't u make her father meet her kids.. maybe he will melt and he will forgive her...

    good luck  

  11. forget the father ur friend things will become normal once the father is old they are not ur babies or ur parents think of ur self this world is crazy just enjoy the moment be to urself  

  12. hi

    First of all i want to say that what she had done is really not forgiveness bcs marriage does not means just marry with husband , it means a lot , its means that you are going to make relation with their faimily and he is going to make your family.

    In this world there is nobody in parent who want to throw their daughter to h**l . If her father was not to agree there be something reason that makes him negative.

    Now leave what happened , Now as she have 2 kids  there be best ways to go home with your kinds. This is only kids who make them happy  because i thinks that in this Wold everty grand parent want to have their grand kids and they love thier grand kinds more than their child.

  13. Well, sometimes parents can be very stubborn. It may not help to press the issue with him. However, one day he may regret refusing his daughter and her children. So one thing you or her could do is send him a letter, but try not to put in anything that would offend him or he probably won't read it. Just say nice things like about how they're doing, how wonderful they are, how their lives are going and how much they miss him and wish he would be a part of their lives. You could even include a picture of the happy family. Maybe one day he will write back or call her or something. If not, she has to accept how he feels unfortunately. Good luck!

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